Evil Like No Other- Chapter 21

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By the orders of Artemis, the hunters were told to leave Camp Half Blood and find a spot in a random forest in Manhattan.

Percy and Artemis soon joined the hunt, tired of their long quest. They were however greeted warmly by the hunt, who were relieved to see their supposed punishment at Camp Half Blood was over.

Percy had a bit of time to catch up as Artemis told him to wait while she was organizing the tent. He socialized with the hunters, catching up on their Camp Half Blood experience as well as explaining the meeting with his future in laws.

He sat by the lake, oddly enough, he was socializing with the fish, an ability he possessed as a son of Poseidon. He was having an amazing time befriending and socializing with the sea creatures.

He decided to go and take a nights rest , it had been a tiring day travelling all the way from Delos, although he felt much more powerful with all the blessings the titans gave him.

He expected  to have a normal sleep like he had been having during his brief time as a god, but today something was different.

As soon as his head hit the comforting pillow, he was instantly taken to Morpheus realm, but something felt off, it felt sinister, dark and evil.

Percy found himself in a dark mansion, the air smelled toxic, and he felt he was looking into endless darkness.

He heard a conversation, and walked towards it instinctively.

"My love, it is our time, our nephews tried and failed, our own sister failed. We relied on them to get us out of here, but is is time we take things in to our own hands" Said a voice that made Percy shiver.

"I'm sick of living in this hell hole, sick of the disrespect the punny Olympian gods treat us with, as if they are forgetting who we really are. It is time to wage war, time to take what is ours and rule the world to together with an iron fist" A dark feminine voice spoke with pure evil.

"Although we should not take them lightly, the last two failed attempts considered them weak, and because of that were defeated, but we will plan, and leave absolutely no flaws in our plan"

"The Olympians do have someone new amongst their ranks, the son of Poseidon, Perseus who defeated Kronos and Gaea, and even managed to outsmart me, I vow to rip that boy to absoloute shreds" The women said with rage.

It did not take Percy long to connect the dots. Sister of Gaea, outsmarted her, living in a hellhole, husband and wife.

The conclusion made him shiver, this was going to be by far Olympus' biggest task yet. These two made Gaea seem like a minor god. Their aura alone put pure fear and terror into the heart of Percy, and he had seen many evils, but this was by far the most disturbed he had felt.

The Primordial of deep darkness and shadows, and the literal personification of darkness, Erebus and his wife, a shadowy figure, the personification of Night, the Primordial Deity Nyx were looking to wage war on Olympus.

The two then noticed Perseus in his dream

"I think we have a spy here Erebus"

"I feel it too"

They both turned instantly to Percy, as they both reached out to his throat.

The dream ended, and Percy woke up in a jolt, sweating and breathing hard at what he just saw.

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