Forgiveness- Chapter 15

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Percy woke up with a strain in his left side, presumably from Kampe's whip, but other than that, he felt good as new.

"Sup cuz, give it a day and you should be right back to normal, found you in a really bad condition" Apollo spoke 

"They were not kidding when they said you could heal anything, I was feeling like my torso was going to explode yesterday, today I almost feel normal as if nothing happened" Percy replied with gratitude.

"Well, god of medicine and healing for a reason. Relax it, compress it with something hot and it should be good" Apollo smiled .

Percy layed down and tried to think of what happened, then he remembered.

Artemis's betrayal

"your stupid sister did this didn't she"

"Yup, found you with a dozen silver arrows sticking out of your torso, im glad I arrived on time otherwise we probably would not be having this conversation today" Apollo added 

"Why would she do such a thing, I literally saved her hunters from all those monsters and that how I get re payed" Percy said with a hint of anger.

"Relax cuz, she just came in and thought you hurt her hunters or something, you already know how overprotective she is. You don't know how many arrows I have  received for just as much as talking to them" Apollo added with a chuckle to which Percy smiled.

"Still shouldn't there be trust, like I promised her I wont do anything to her hunters and she just gave me a speech literally yesterday on how she was sorry for treating me so badly, then look at what she does not even a day later." Percy said in frustration.

"Relax Perc, you know how she is, kinda crazy. Anyways I am off, dont overexert yourself" He flashed a grin before leaving.

One by one, the hunters came in to check on Percy. After last nights heroics, he had won them all over, even the most rigid ones.

He was surprised however, when Atlanta and Phoebe, two of Artemis's hunters showed up in the camp alongside Thalia.

"Are you two not supposed to hate me" Percy asked in a questioned laugh.

Thalia rolled her eyes "Kelp head moment"

Phoebe chuckled "I do still hate men with a passion, but you Percy are different. You saved me and my sisters yesterday selflessly. I really doubted what Zoe said about you, I thought you would be like any other male, but no, I'm finally getting to see why you were one of the only male's managing to befriend Zoe."

"I am honored Phoebe, it wouldn't have been possible without all of you as well. The hellhound were killed way too quickly" Percy added

"Just take the compliment, Percy" Thalia said to which all 4 laughed.

"Are you feeling better now though, he asked signaling at Phoebe and Atlanta"

"Yes, throbbing headache but I think it should be over in a few days" Atlanta said

"I think we should give him a bit of space to recover, see ya Kelpy" Thalia said as she took Atlanta and Phoebe out the tent to allow him to rest.

Percy sat in his tent, relaxing and nursing the sidestrain, He was till mad he couldn't even beat a few monsters without ending up in a tent, he vowed to train harder than ever before.

He was still enraged with Artemis, after the whole talk yesterday about being nicer, Artemis the next day had pulverized him without asking if he even did it, as if he would ever touch a hunter.

As he was in his thought, he made out movement outside his tent as someone tried to come in. He thought it was Thalia but couldn't make out the face since it was dark. 

He looked closer, the moonlight however showed a beautiful face, and Percy sighed in dissapointment. He did not want to face her today.

"Perseus" She asked in a gentle tone

"Artemis..go away" Percy said in a cold tone

"Im sorry, I did not mean to do what I did yesterday, I made a mistake yesterday. I am very protective of my hunters and I let my anger influence my decision yesterday"

"Artemis I don't want to hear it, I have been nothing but nice to you and your hunt, and all I have received is nothing but hate, cold glares and now this. You promised me you would be nicer yesterday, I guess your words don't mean anything" He said as he got up and started to walk out the tent.

" wait" Artemis called out

"Leave it Artemis" Percy said as he ran away far from the campsite.

Artemis dropped her head. She was a stubborn goddess, and wouldn't sleep until she made amends with Percy.

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