The Hunt- Chapter 12

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Percy was meditating in his palace, connecting with his domain of earth. He was deep in his meditation when he heard a knocking at his door.

He opened the door to see a silver eyed goddess staring at him intently.

"Can I help you" Percy stared at her.

"Perseus, uh hi, can we need to talk"


Percy stared at her blankly. What was she trying to do? Kill me, send me to Tarturus, imprison me?

"Are you going to let me in"

He gestured Artemis to sit down.

"So as much as we both hate going through with this whole proposition, I think its time we realized there's nothing we can do about it"

Percy nodded, still staring at her intently, he still couldn't make out her intentions

Artemis noticed this

"Perseus I'm not here to harm you" She said in a steely tone

"Yea ok, continue" 

"Anyways, I have decided for us to get to know each other better, you will stay with me in the hunt"

Percy raised an eyebrow

"Say that again, I did not hear you correctly" Percy said

Artemis rolled her eyes "You will stay in the hunt, Perseus"

"WHAT, are you crazy. No way" Perseus said in a flabbergasted tone

"Perseus this is a rhetorical question, you will come to the hunt"

"No please, are you serious, I like my palace a lot and I'm trying to master my powers and uh" Percy stammered

Artemis waved him off "No excuses, my decision is final"

Percy groaned, he cursed the fates.

Like seriously could his life get any better. Hes been trying to avoid Artemis now he is going to be stuck living with her and her hunt, a bunch of devoted man hating girls.

He silently prayed to anyone to knock some sense into Artemis, but to no avail.

"Perseus you may not like this, but I'm trying for us not to end up in a loveless marriage, you will appreciate what I am doing someday" She said in a caring tone.

This had surprised Percy, he expected her to not care about the marriage, but she did, so it was only right he held his own weight.

"Whatever you say Milady" Percy said in a respectful tone.

Artemis flashed him to the hunt, her hunters were waiting expectantly.

"Hunters, as I have told you, Perseus will be staying here for a while" Artemis spoke

"Milady why" Atlanta said

"Please reconsider your decision" Phoebe said

"We cannot have males here" Another hunter said

Percy still trying to grasp the situation was met with an electrifying hug

"What's up Seaweed brain, long time no see" Thalia said, happy to see her cousin after a long time

"Nothing much Pinecone face, how are you holding up" Percy said equally happy

All the hunters cocked their bows at the altercation

"You will not touch out lieutant, boy" Phoebe spat with distaste

"Relax pheebs, he means no harm" Thalia said

All the hunters still glared at Percy, he had to admit it was scary being glared at by so many of them. It would be comical to consider how a 6'7 Olympian god was scared of a bunch of Hunters, but if anyone had any idea about who the hunters were, they would understand.

As everyone settled in, Percy was given a tent by Artemis, located near her tent. It had nothing, but with the blessing of Hestia, he made it similar to home. He summoned a bed, a TV, some books (being a god meant no more dyslexia or ADHD) and many more things to entertain himself with.

As he exited the tent, he saw an arrow coming towards him from behind. He had mastered the art of sense, and felt the arrow coming towards him from a mile away without even seeing it. Time move slowed from it, as he nonchalantly plucked it out the sky, and looked towards the perpetrators.

All the hunters, including Artemis looked on in shock at what he had done.

He just sighed, before throwing the arrow back at the hunters who shot it. He had realized he had to get used to this cold behavior by the hunters.

He took a stroll in the woods, and sat down, he noticed many animals coming towards him, squirrels, dears, Rabbits, birds. They all tried to befriend and follow him, Percy could communicate with them, using his mind.

"Lord Perseus"

"Lord Perseus, are you hungry?"

Percy chuckled

Perks of being the god of earth.

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