War of Egos- Chapter 8

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2 of the three eldest gods, Poseidon and Zeus got into a very serious conflict. Zeus  had started a rebellion to outs Poseidon from his seat by voting him out, but no one dared raise their hand in fear of being on the bad side of the God of Seas, Earthquake and Storms. Poseidon was in turn, enraged with his brothers attempt to vote him out, and declared war on his brother. All the Olympians decided to stay out of the affair, having sensible knowledge that if they were to be involved, it would be a brutal war. 

Unfortunately, it was the mortal who faced the blunt of this conflict. Massive Earthquakes had shook  entire cities, and catastrophic events like hurricanes and tsunamis had become more common, taking millions of innocent lives. In the last 2 months alone, there had been 3 massive tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean. This happened all over the world, damaging many homes and taking many lives. Many cities were left in total rubble.

The mortals, being clueless about the conflict, were under the impression the cause of the apocalyptic events were the result of global warming..if only they knew.

Percy was summoned for a council meeting. Ever since the commencement of the war, Zeus and Poseidon had stopped attending meetings, they couldn't stand looking at each other with all the hate that filled their hearts.

Although this benefited the gods who were in attendance, as this gave them a chance to discuss measures that could be implemented to stop the war.

"I have tried to stop Zeus, trust me, but his overinflated ego has made him hellbent on continuing this war" Hera spoke, shaking her head

"I agree sister, we need to put some sense into their egotistical minds before they slaughter the whole world" Demeter spoke

Demeter was one of the goddesses who was the most effected, her crops and fields had been reduced to rubble since the war. The usually soft spoken goddess had a good reason to be bitter. She and the other gods had tried their best to aid the mortals, but when the sea and the sky are turned against you, there is so much you can do.

A weary looking Hades also spoke up "I agree with my sisters, the Underworld has filled up at an alarming late". The God of the Underworld had expected to have a relaxing few years after the war, but this war only doubled his workload.

Other gods were also affected, Apollo couldn't ride his chariot since the sky was always cloudy,  and Dionysus's grape fields were destroyed.

Only person who really enjoyed this carnage was Ares, for obvious reasons.

"I have tried to talk my dad out of it as well, although he is even more motivated to dethrone Zeus, I visited Atlantis and it seemed like the Cyclops as well as minor gods were preparing for war" Perseus spoke up

"The same can be said on the other side, Zeus has gathered minor gods as well as wind spirits to aid his cause" Hermes added, to which Hera grimly nodded, confirming the news.

"At this rate, we might be looking at a third world war, perhaps even worse if we do not intervene. The loss of human life is trending towards a total similar to those wars, and soon countries may descend into anarchy, waging wars on each others. If we do not stop this, it could mean the end of the world" Athena spoke

Although Athena was pessimistic, her prediction could very well turn true. The goddess of wisdom was hardly ever wrong.

"But how do we stop them, I have had the pleasure of knowing them both Zeus and Poseidon my whole lifetime, and I know they will stop at nothing until one is better than the other" Hades inquired

"I have just the idea, wait until the Winter Solstice" Hera replied with a smile

The Winter Solstice was in 3 months.

Something about the smile made Percy uncomfortable, he had a really bad gut feeling, but decided to shrug it off.

He decided to leave it to the fates.

He should have known the fates live to terrorize the fate of the once demigod turned god.

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