Betrayal- Chapter 14

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Percy sat at the dinner table, he did not get glares this time around by the hunters. 

Some of the younger hunters begged Percy to use the powers Hestia had bestowed to provide them with food, they had missed this for the time Percy was away.

He chuckled, might have spoiled them

Even Artemis relented, and requested Percy to summon her favorite meal.

While everyone was enjoying their favorite meal, Lilly, the youngest in the hunt spoke up.

"So Percy, can you tell us about the one time you saved Milady against Atlas" She asked

Percy looked at Artemis who stared blankly, "Well I wouldn't say save, we all played an equal part. Artemis fought Atlas, while I fought some monsters, and as it ended, Atlas was back under the sky. Thalia too accompanied me in the quest and held her own really well, we even beat the Nermean Lion " Percy replied to which Thalia flashed a smile.

"And what about Zoe" Phoebe, who had been close friends with her asked. She knew Zoe met her demise but never really heard the whole tale.

"Zoe was probably the bravest warriors I have ever seen. She fought with grace skill and showed no fear. When the prophecy was first issued, there was a line that told Zoe she was more than likely going to die ; and one shall perish by a parent's hand. I really remember her for that, the fact she never feared anything. More than that she was a cool person to be around, although her English was some of the biggest pain I had to endure trying to understand" Percy said to which the hunters including Artemis laughed.

"But as much as she was a very skilled warrior, she was also a very nice person to be around, she took care of us really well on our quest, the victory against the Titans would not have been possible if it was not for her. What no one failed to realize was that she had been bitten by Ladon right before the battle, and Ladon's poison is some of the most feared poisons in Greek history, weakening you slowly, however she still fought without even showing the slightest indication"

Artemis and some of the hunters who were around when Zoe was Lieutant began to tear up as they listened to the story. As old as the battle was, the pain was still raw. 

"That's it everyone, go to sleep" Artemis said.

After everyone left, Artemis tapped my shoulder

"Perseus, thank you for remembering Zoe like that. You could have been the typical male and taken credit for everything like Heracles did a millennia ago, but you were humble enough to honor Zoe's legacy. Thank you" She said in a grateful tone

"My pleasure Artemis" Percy replied with a smile.

Something about Percy's smile really made Artemis heart melt. She had not admit it, but Percy was by far the best looking god on Olympus, and it wasn't only her who shared this opinion, many tried and failed to flirt with him.

His sea green eyes were beautiful, paired with plump pink lips, a face with high cheekbones, a chiseled jawline, and long wavy and curly hair as well as his pearly white teeth contributed to his beauty.

But what Artemis really loved about him was his loyalty, and humbleness. A hero that has accomplished as much as he has was bound to be brash, cocky and prideful, but Percy was the opposite of that. He was loyal, and never credited any of the victories to himself, but rather to his friends. His time in the hunt proved he was an honorable man, taking care of the young huntresses and complying with anything Artemis said.

Her time in the hunt made her realize the person Percy really was, and as much as she hated the marriage planned, she was glad it was to Percy. You could even say she was slowly falling for the newest Olympian. 

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