A Get to Know you- Chapter 2

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Percy P.O.V

I woke up to a severe headache and soreness all around my body. My insides still hurt from godhood process. As I tried to get up, I was lightly pushed down.

I looked around and found out I was in a white room, with the god of healers, Apollo right beside me.

"Sup Cuz, how u feeling"

"I feel like I just walked through an incinerator, then proceeded to get boiled" I replied humoursely

"Take my word for it, the process of turning your blood into the godly blood, which is known as Ichor takes a while, and is painful, but once the process is complete, you will feel much stronger than u ever have" He said

"Process, I though this was an immediate thing, like they zap you and you become a god" I replied flabbergasted

"No cuz, it takes months for your blood and godly characteristics to overtake your mortal side, I would estimate around 5 months. During this period, you will feel stronger gradually but your powers might seem a bit disconnected as you make the transition" He lectured

I nodded as I tried to get up again and walk. It didnt feel too bad honestly 

"Where are we" I replied astonished. It looked like the infirmary at camp half blood, but 100 times better. The technology was more advanced, the place was much cooler and more modern, and was built lavishly.

"Currently we are at my palace, the room you are in right now is the infirmary. This is where I treat all my injured and ailing patients" He answered.

"Wow, I have never been to a place more luxurious before" Apollo laughed while giving me a tour around the palace.

"Its going to get even better from here, wait until you see the view from Mount Olympus, as well as the other things designed, plus as soon as your godly transformation is complete, you will be getting a palace made to your liking" He replied.

We walked around for a while, he showed me around his palace. A room where he kept all his musical instruments, his medical related things a few rooms and finally as we stepped outside, he showed me the coveted Sun Chariot, parked right outside.

Apollo walked around and showed me around Olympus, the restaurants, barber shops, basically everything us mortals would find.

"I thought gods were old school, never expected you guys to have all these restaurants and shops" I remarked looking at Subway, Gucci, Louis in amazement.

" You can thank Hermes and I for that, this place used to be so boring, until we both explored the mortal world and found out all the hotspots" He replied grinning.

"Good Job, that was one downside I was expecting being here. You and all the other gods being stuck in some prehistoric age." Percy responded chuckling,  Apollo couldn't help but laugh with him.

"Man im so excited. Hermes and I have found an accomplice to accompany us in our adventures" Apollo said in a happy tune.

" You want to elaborate on the word "adventures" for me, Apollo?" Percy questioned.

"Hmm, that's for you to find out" He responded with a smirk, to which Percy raised an eyebrow.

"Anyways cuz I really enjoyed today and I'm excited to have you around for the rest of eternity, im gonna have to go ride the chariot as he looked at his watch, 6:30am" He smiled warmly

"Alright Apollo, thanks for everything"

He smiled before flashing off

I continued to walk around, dazed at the beauty of Olympus, The architecture was mind blowing. Athena had down a wonderful job.

As soon as I though of Athena, I remembered Annabeth


The grief flowed back, but what's surprising is the memories did as well. The underwater, all the quests, holding the sky for her, the Argo 2 and even Tartarus, the experience was traumatic, but any memory with her was worth cherishing. Hades did confirm that Annabeth was a direct entry into Elysium along with many others. It made me proud, if anyone deserved it, it was her.

But the sad part was not living a future with her. We couldnt fulfill the plans we so desperately wanted to do. College In New Rome, eventually getting married etc.

I looked up to the sky and muttered "I will make you proud Wise Girl, whatever I do will be in your memory, wise girl" I felt goosebumps and wiped a tear.

I walked around and sat down for breakfest. The nymphs that saw me immediately bowed

"No need for that I smiled, the honor is mine" They politely smiled and served me some of the most delicious food I have ever tried, it brought me back to the memories of New York I had with my mother.

Speaking of her, I had to eventually meet her and my stepfather Paul, although I'm not too worried, its been common for me to be missing for months on end, they probably know im on some quest.

I kept exploring until I ran into Aphrodite, the goddess of love.  She radiated a warmth aura, a loving one similar to Hestia

"Hello Perseus, how was your stay been so far" She smiled warmly

"Its been wonderful, I'm amazed with everything" I replied

"Good Perseus, let me know once your free and ill pick out the best clothes for you. Becoming a god means you need to style like a good, there are Standards here" She responded in a stern yet friendly tone

"Of course Aphrodite, ill see you around"

"Call me when you need me" She said before the flashed away

"Random" I thought

I continued to chat with nymphs around the area about Olympus and what to know until a certain god of messengers materialized out of nowhere.

"Hey Percy, we're about to have a council meeting and your asked to attend"

"For Sure" I responded before flashing with him to the extravagant throne room.

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