Reconnaissance- Chapter 19

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There were many other Titans present on Delos, some Percy though faded long ago, but were actually in hiding.

Leto, Phoebe, Asteria, Selene and the queen of the titans and the mother of the big three, Rhea all resided peacefully here.

Percy was shocked nonetheless, but was greeted amicably and with utmost hospitality. 

Artemis started to explain to Leto and her aunts and grandmothers (Rhea was Zeus's mom, Phoebe was Leto's mom) all that had occured in the Giant and Titan war.

"and who is this lovely man you bring Artemis" Leto said wanting to know about Percy.

Percy bowed his head "My name is Perseus, son of Poseidon milady"

"We have heard stories about you" Rhea said, "I am glad my son sired a respectable demigod, I had lost all hope once I saw Hercules" she said

Percy bowed his head in humility, Leto and Phoebe asked him many questions, trying to find out who he is and if he is right for her daughter and granddaughter. 

Percy explained to them about the arranged marriage due to the Poseidon and Zeus conflict. Leto was visibly upset that her daughter was forced into a marriage having sworn off men her whole life but was happy she was marrying Percy.

"Im not on board with the marriage thing, but Perseus you seem like a humble and respectable boy, I trust you will be loyal and caring to my daughter"

"I swear it on the Styx milady, I promise to be loyal and never unfaithful to your daughter" Percy spoke in an upbeat tone.

Everyone looked in shock, Percy might as well have committed to not experiencing love ever in his life again.

Artemis was shocked "Percy why would you do such a thing, I know you are a good man but why would you trap yourself in this way"

Percy spoke reassuringly "Artemis my fatal flaw his loyalty,  how would I live up to that credit if I cannot even be loyal to my own wife" He said 

The Titans smiled warmly, they had in that moment realized that Artemis had found the perfect man to be her future husband.

Dinner was amazing, Percy was not surprised however since Rhea was the mom of Hestia so you would expect her cooking to be a class above anything you have ever tried. Percy got to know Artemis's maternal side, she heard stories of when she was little,  Asteria making the island of Delos trying to hide from Zeus and Poseidon's advances and then Hera's curse which led Artemis and Apollo to being born here. Selene the titanesses used to be the one controlling the moon and Phoebe used to be the one to issue prophecy's, but those were both passed down to Artemis and Apollo.

Percy was intrigued, and continued to listen to their stories even after dinner, he had made fast friends and had quickly gained the respect of the Titans.

Before long, Percy was yawning and Leto ushered him to go to sleep. She had arranged a room to sleep in with Artemis, Percy could not figure out if it was on purpose or because there were no rooms in the residence.

Artemis was already in the room. They both decided to sleep in the robes they were wearing since they were comfortable and enough and the Delos was very cold right now.

Artemis and I had to share a bed as well, Leto really had this all planned out.

Artemis did not really mind however, neither did I. I sighed as my head hit the pillow, it had been an exhausting day.

"They really like you huh" Artemis said with a slight smile.

Something about that smile always gave me butterflies.

"Uhh, yea I hope" I said regaining my composure.

"Come on Perseus, they are really hard to befriend you know that right, and today they talked to you like they have known you for millennia's. My mom is really protective of me, and even she accepted you almost immediately, be proud of yourself for once." She said

"They were really good people, Olympus made me think all Titans were bad, but these were some of the most hospitable and nicest people I have ever met, I don't know why Zeus has them outcasted like this" Percy replied honestly

"Its good you realize, I have been trying to tell the council this for the longest time, but it always seems to fall on deaf ears, I'm glad someone understands" She said

"Anyways sleep well, tomorrow I'm gonna take you around the area and show you some things I guarantee will amaze you, as she rolled away and fell asleep."

A few seconds later, I also entered a deep and peaceful sleep, exhausted from the day's events.

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