Protests and Rectifications- Chapter 13

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Percy hated every single second of his time in the Hunt.

Artemis had been very cold towards him, and the hunters followed suite. Only person that cared for him was Thalia.

Although he was a god, a very powerful one infact, he did not protest with anything Artemis asked him to do, because he also on his part tried to make the marriage work, and he still could not come to disrespect her, even though a part of him told himself to stand up for himself, it was easier said than done.

It was also trouble adjusting to what the hunters did. The first thing they enjoyed is eating random wild animals, like deers, squirrels, rabbits etc.

Although it did not smell too bad, he still could not bring himself to eat it.

He sat at the dinner table, towards the end, across from Artemis as he watched them all eat deer. Percy understood that they did not especially like the food, but after trekking through the forest, they were especially tired, and ate almost anything given to them.

Percy however, thanks to his patron Hestia did not have to endure through that.

He closed his eyes, and imagined his favorite dinner.

He summoned a large pizza, and laughed at the looks of jealousy he got from everyone else.

"H-How did you do that" Phoebe asked

"Lady Hestia being my patron means I can summon any home cooked meals I want" Percy responded.

As much as Percy hated the hunters, he felt bad for them watching along, so he granted everyone's request of any meal they wanted. They all looked at him gratefully.

Over time, the younger hunters quickly became close to Percy, they enjoyed his presence as Percy cared for them like an older brother.

The older hunters were of course still vary of him however, still pulling the occasional prank and sneaking in the occasional glare. Artemis had softened up to him, not being as cold and demeaning as she was in the first few days of Percy's time in the hunt. They still barely spoke however.

Percy had gotten tired of the bad vibes he got from sitting with the hunters, so he decided to sit in his tent and just not come out. He couldnt stand the awkwardness of being around Artemis, as well as the glares and stares he got from most of the hunters, barring a few.

So it went on. He stayed in his tent, exercising, sharpening his weapons, mediating, relaxing and occasionally slipping away when everyone is asleep to go for a swim in the lake nearby.

Time passed, Percy never showed himself to the hunt.

Thalia showed up to his tent everyday, asking him to come out, but Percy never obliged.

"Kelp Head come out for dinner"

"Go away pincecone face"

Thalia would repeat this everyday for the past 4 days

Thalia sighed, she knew her cousin was stubborn, but this took it to another level.

Artemis noticed this as well, she expected Percy to relent and come back, but she also came to realize how stubborn the 2 time saviour of Olympus really was.

She was oblivious as to why Percy's behaviour was so odd, in her mind she had done nothing, so she tried to ask the closest person to Percy about his behaviour.

" Thalia, do you have any idea why Percy has been in his tent for thr pasr 4 days"

"No, but if i were to guess, it's because of how you are treating him, this is his way of protesting" Thalia responded

" What do you mean Thalia"

"Well Milady it doesn't take a smart person to realize that you have been treating Percy really badly. Your tone and the looks you give him probably make him feel uncomfortable. What you do rubs off on the hunters. Percy's been doing everything you have asked him to do, plus if im not wrong he did not want this marriage either" Thalia added insightfully.

Artemis flashed a look of realization, Thalia was right. Artemis did not treat him nicely, she was so full of herself she might just drive the one man she respected out of her life. What if Zeus nulls the marriage and forces her to marry Triton instead.

Artemis shuddered at the thought. She had to make things right.

So the next day, Artemis decided to head to Percy's tent.

She knocked

Percy thinking it was Thalia again tried to shoo her away like he had been doing the past few days

" Go away Thalia"

"Percy this is not Thalia. If you know what is good for you, open the door" Artemis replied

Percy did not expect this, and opened the door for her.

He was met with piercing silver eyes, staring right into his soul.

"Perseus, can I come in" Artemis asked in a soft tone.

Percy, surprised she wasn't grilling him for her avoiding her and the hunt, gestured her to sit down

"Perseus, where have you been" Artemis asked

"In my tent..?" Percy replied sarcastically

"Yes I know that, but why have you been avoiding the hunt"

"Because im fine here in my tent"

"No tou are not, look at yourself and how pale you look, also how do you even live in this boredom" Artemis asked

"Trust me there are many things to do"

Artemis realized he was not in the mood to be interrogated, so she went took a deep breath and..

"Perseus I am sorry. I have realized that ive treated you very badly. You have been nothing but loyal to The Hunt and I, but we in return have been rude and cold towards you. Consider this an apology by me, something you will rarely get" Artemis added the last bit with a smile.

Percy trying to absorb the fact that out of all people, Artemis had apologized. He questionned internally if he was living in a simulation.

"Im sorry for avoiding you, but it had gotten too much"

" I understand, but whether we both like or not, we both are going to be our lives for the rest of eternity. I am sorry for being hard on you, but this whole marriage concept is still quite foreign to me, but I promise to treat you better from now on" She replied with a sincere smile.

Percy had a glimmer of hope this marriage might not be a death sentence, but how much value do Artemis's words really hold?

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