Champion of the Hearth- Chapter 6

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Percy woke up in a daze, last night was amazing, he had never been to a party that lavish and modern in a while, the gods sure did know how to party.

He decided today to practice his training. Riptide felt much lighter in his hand, he felt much quicker on his feet, and his mind subconsciously was analyzing the whole battle field, giving him pointers on what would be the best moves to make- perks of being the god of warfare. His domain of time was hard to master however, it was draining to slow down time, but he was slowly getting better at it. His domain of loyalty allowed him to analyze an individual thoroughly, and determine if he/she's  intentions were genuine and loyal. His domain of poison had the ability to turn any liquid into a deadly poison, his domain of waves allowed him to connect with waves and control how strong or weak they could be, and for that he needed an extreme control over his emotions and his domain of earth was self explanatory. The domains he was gifted made him really powerful, and once he developed a full understanding, he could easily be the most powerful god in the council, maybe only behind the elder gods.

After many hours of slashing at dummies, meditating in his domains and contemplating life, he decided to head to the mortal world, and meet his mom.

He changed his clothes from his cloak to something more casual. He wore a red flannel with white shoes, black jeans, a chain which was gifted by his father, a ring gifted by Annabeth, and a set of diamond earrings. This fit would definitely make Aphrodite proud.

As he walked around New York, he was asked constantly for his number. He walked around his hometown, analyzing all the damage that the city received by the hands of Gaea and the giants. After walking for 10 minutes, he reached his moms apartment, and was greeted by his stepfather Paul.

"Hello, Do I know you?"

"That really hurt Paul, you couldn't even recognize me"

"PERCY, no way! how are you" Paul enveloped me into a tight hug

"im good, how have you and mom been"

"We've been good, but why do you look so different" Paul asked.

"Long story, let me come in and tell you all about it"

Sally couldn't recognize him either, although as soon as she did, she was delighted to see her son after so long. He did receive a smack for disappearing for so long. Percy explained to them about Gaea, the Roman camp, and him turning into a god. Sally was visibly distraught over the death of Annabeth, who she had considered a daughter, but was elated to find out her son was god, and amongst the highest ranks. Paul was interested as well, being a teacher in Greek mythology. Paul and Sally also broke the news that Percy would be an older brother, which Percy was shocked about. He did promise to be there during the birth.

After eating way too many blue cookies, Percy left and decided to head into the forest and explore his domains. Immediately as he went, he was followed by a variety of animals, including squirrels, dears, rabbits etc.  They treated him as if they were their prince. Percy tried to make them happy but it looks like they didn't need it, they just followed him wherever he went. 

After a while, he flashed back to Olympus and find something to eat, today he was invited by his Aunt Hestia, he traversed through Olympus, and arrived at her palace. 

"Percy, how are you!" Hestia asked

"Im good aunt, how are you" Percy responded kindly

She gestured him to come insider. Her palace radiated a warm and welcoming aura. She had prepared some amazing food, similar to yesterday.

As they sat down, Hestia asked a question, she was willing to ask for a while,

"Percy, as you know I am a maiden and have no children. It does get lonely at times, but i have felt a connection with you, almost like a son I have never had. Will you be my champion" She asked in a nervous tone.

"Aunt Hestia, you are almost like my godly mother, I would love to be" Percy smiled

Hestia smiled in relief, before touching Perseus head. He glowed a warm orange before feeling a surge of power.

"As my champion, you now have the ability to summon any meal you desire, all you have to do is think about it, you also have the ability to summon any fire, even greek fire" Hestia added

Percy was delighted, he was glad to be a champion of Hestia, someone he knew he could trust to be a parental figure here on Olympus.

After conversing for a while, Percy left and decided to walk around Olympus, he watched a bit of Hephaestus tv, which was a daily recap of the day, while also including a segment of Ares falling into another trap Hephaestus laid out. 

He felt groggy, and decided to call it a night.

"What an eventful day it had been" he thought before closing his eyes and drifting into the realm of Morpheus.

One good thing about being a god is you didn't have Demigod Dreams, so Percy had decided to make up for all the sleep he missed out on as a demigod. Although gods did not need sleep, it did rejuvenate Percy.

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