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A/N: Hello guys I finally had another story. This story has been bugging my mind and I want to write it out to see how good it will be. Also Im not really good in english, and I apologize in advance if my grammar is incorrect. Please no hate comment. Love yall.



"Get out!" My mother yelled as she throw all of my clothes out of the main door. My brother gave me a luggage with a smirk in his face.

"Why do you have to do this?" I cried. Picking up my clothes that was now laying on the cement path. Tears came falling down my cheeks as I continue packing my stuffs.

"You're no longer welcome to this family... You are a shame!" My mom yelled.

"All you did was brought us shame. You never did something right!" My mom madly told me. She then picks something from the ground, the look of shock was all over my face.

She was holding my phone.

"And this! This! Fucking thing" I heared glass shattered as I saw my phone hitting the ground.

Mom throwed my phone onto the ground as hard as she could. And then she picks it up again, and throws it as hard as before.

Tears came crawling down my face. All I could do now is pack my stuff and watch her destroy my one and only precious thing that I have.

"This is what you get for being such a useless HUMAN BEING!" she yelled.

"Im disowning you..." Her dull voice said as my brother pulled out a piece of document. My mom showed it to me. And it was an adoption paper.

Thats right. Adoption paper. She showed me the paper and tear it infront of me. Pieces of paper slowly flew away.

"Dont think of coming back here. You. Dont. Belong. In. This. Household" after saying it to my face, she slammed the door infront of me.

I sat on the cement path as I wiped my tears. I then quickly picked my now broken phone.

I looked at my phone and it was shattered. It wont even open anymore. Tears falls down on the screen of my broken phone.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I mumbled. Sadness and anger came overwhelmed me in the inside.

I stood up and pick my luggage. I dust myself off before starting to walk away from the home I used to cherished.

Pulling my luggage behind me, I walk on the sidewalk. Street lamps came shining down, as I walk passed it.

My own shadow was seen as I took a step, as the street lamps shine down on me-

I took a cigarette from the pocket of my coat and put it between my lips. I then lit it up with a lighter.

I blow the smoke out as I continue walking the dead silent street.


I reached the city just by walking. The city was still filled with people. But now I only see few people as I pass down the streets.

Teenagers probably 18 or 20 around my age still roaming in the city.

I looked at my watch and yes its 10:54pm.

Few cars still driving down the streets as men in suits walking drunk after getting a few shots of beer.

People dont mind other people as they tend to walk up straight and not even looking around.

As if people have their own worlds and not even paying attention to their surroundings.

I threw the cigarette butt at a nearby trashcan and exhale the smoke.

As I was doing that a poster was caught my attention infront of me. I squint my eyes trying to read whats on the poster.

"Poster: wanna have some cash in a quicker way? Get this job now, and call this number xxx."

'pathetic, this is scam' I thought to myself.

I turned away and walk pulling my luggage. Then my stomach felt a knot. I get this feeling of sureness. The feeling of this is the thing I need.

So instead I turn my back and took the poster. Fold it and then keep it in my pockets.

I continue walking on the side walk. Hoping that I could find a place that I need to stay for the night.

The sound of my luggage wheels that came contact on the pave cement was distracting me of thinking lonely and empty.

"Hello young lady, care to join us?" A man on suit came suddenly towards me.

I could tell his drunk because of how he stand up and the way he smell a strong scent of alcohol.

"No thank you" I said and walk pass him.

My eyes searching around the area as my feet keep walking. I search for a nearby small apartment I could rent.

Only $79 was on me right now.

And I really need a job too.

Fuck this life.

_ _ _

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