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I picked up my chopsticks and started to eat. The flavor of the ramen really is something. It is so delicious.

I was delighted and continue eating. I was eating so fast that I didnt noticed the guy infront of me was starring at me.

I stoped for a while and munch the food in my mouth. I was embarrassed for my behavior infront of a guy.

"Sorry" I apologize. Maybe the I eat makes him lose his appetite. I felt bad for myself. I felt ashamed.

"No not all, please continue" he said.

"Are you not going to eat yours?" I asked politely.

"I finished mine first" he smiled.

I continue to eat but this time I make it more slow. I added manners to when I eat.


After eating the guy ordered two glass of water. One for me and one for him.

"Thanks for today" I said while I looked down at the glass of water infront of me.

"No problem" he respond.

"Um... What can I do to repay you? Please I would be glad if I can do something for you too" the words that rushes out of my mouth was utterly desperate.

"No need and its okay, my treat" he said.

"No, please I really wanted to pay your kindness" I desperately said. I looked at him in the eye as I speak.

He was about to speak but his phone rang. He picked it up and put the phone on his ear.

"Got it" he said to his phone. Then the guy stood up, and fixed his coat. He pulled something from his coat pocket.

"Here... Go to this place, and meet me there" the guy said as he put it on the table. He then walks towards the door and exited the shop.

I picked it up. And examine the thing he put on the table, it seems to be a card with an address on it.

I looked more into it but it was just an address. Nothing more.

I stood up from my seat and walked towards the door. I put the card into my pocket and exited the shop.


Third Person POV

"Sir, the destination?" The driver of the biggest crime gang all over tokyo asked.

"Code black, hideout" the guy with lilac haired and black highlights said. The guy who is one of the executives of the biggest crime gang respond.

He crossed his legs as he sat at the back, enjoying his ride. He grabbed for a bottle of champagne and poured it on an empty glass.

He shake his glass in a circular motion. Making the ice clinks as the ice bump unto each other inside a glass of wine.

Ring ring

His phone beside him rang. He picked it up and look at the caller id. Brother♥️.

The guy chuckled and sigh before answering the call. He raised the phone to his ears and speak.

"Hello, rindou" the guy spoke through the phone with a quirky tone.

"Again, ran. You're always late! Where have been?" Rindou impatiently scold his brother through the phone.

"A young flower has catched my eye earlier~" ran sarcastically respond. He shake his glass in circular motion and take a sip of champagne.

A smirk was plastered in his face as he continue listening on his brother at the other line.

"Mikey and the rest are waiting until you arrived, and then we could start the meeting. So hurry-" rindou cut the call because he was feeling a bit impatient.

Ran drop his phone to his side and continue drinking his wine. He chuckled slightly as he watch outside the tinted window.

Passing through several stores. He enjoyed watching people. Observing them.

"Hurry up, Im gonna be late for the meeting" ran command to his driver.

"Yes sir!" The driver said and step on the gas. The car moved fast and off they go. To the hideout.

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