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"Dismissed" mikey announce. Finally I reached the end of the meeting.

Tonights meeting is not much of a big deal. Mikey explains about the organization and our next mission.

Everyone stood up from their seats. And exits the door.

Everyone went their own ways. Rindou went for a drink with sanzu. Mikey and koko stayed in the hq.

And I'll decide to go back home. Since Im hungry ill just cook something for me and also for y/n.

Rindou and sanzu already went out for a drink, which leaving me behind.

I exited the hq and went to the parking lot. I entered my car and started its engine.

Driving back to the penthouse. I quickly glance at my watch. 5:17am. Then after that I exited the car.

I yawned. Feeling a bit exhausted.

I walk towards the main door and the sliding glass door opened. As i walk passed the main hall lobby, something felt strange.

I felt nervous at some point. Which was never happened to me before.

Strangely, i continue walking until i reached the elevator. Pressing the elevator button, it slowly moved up.

As the elevator door opens I noticed the light in my home. It was open.

"I told y/n that she dont leave any lights open..." I mumbled.

Walking towards my door. My eyes widens. The door was fully open.

I entered and closed the door. I looked down and noticed footprints. I looked at the footprints and its different from y/n shoe size.

Walking to the dining room. I saw the table was already set. And also it already has curry on the plate.

"My favorite..." I mumbled.

Getting a bit curious. I picked up a spoon from the table and tasted the food. It was already cold.

I drop the spoon on the table. And searched everywhere. The bedrooms. The bathrooms. The weapon room. Everywhere.

But there were no sign of y/n.

"Why would she leave so sudden, when she already knows the consecquences..." I sigh. I gritted my teeth and clench my fist.

I walk upstairs and into rindou's room. I pushed the large closet to its side revealing another door. Opening it I went to check the surveilence camera in my place.

As I rewind the footage. I came across y/n who was cooking the curry. I forward the footage, and seen her opens the door...

My eyes widens again as she was being pushed away from the door, I saw a man in a suit. He pointed a gun at her. Then they took her.

I watched everything. And I know who took her... Shimizen.

I quickly grab my phone from my pocket and dial rindou.

Ring ring

Ring ring

"Hello?" Rindou spoke from the phone.

"Rindou, shimizen took y/n!" I said.

"What? Shimizen? The guy that we broke his arm and stole his money? That guy?" Rindou asked with a concerning tone.

"Exactly!" I said.

"Well... When

"Sanzu, lets go back..." I heared rindou talking with sanzu on the phone.

"Be right there, ran-"

Toot toot

Rindou ended the call. I went to the living room and wait for the two. Couldnt keep calm, I walked in circles. Crossing my arms.

A few minutes later I heared footsteps running towards the door. Opening it revealing rindou and sanzu.

"What now?" Rindou panting, so as sanzu.

"Get your weapons, were gonna get y/n back" I commanded as I walk upstairs to the weapon room. The two followed me quickly.

They both get their costumized weapons. Rindou grabbed a gun. Sanzu grabbed his katana and a gun. While me, I grabbed my gun and baton.

I stared at the baton in my hand, kept thinking of what have I done with this to y/n.

I shrugged that worried feeling off, and kept my mind towards the goal, to rescue y/n.

"Lets go" rindou spoke and we both followed him.

"Woooohooooo, I better kick them ass for stealing precious y/n~" sanzu spoke.

As we walk outside the door, I saw mikey and the others. Standing still.

"Mikey, what are you doing here?" I concernly asked.

"Your brother quickly called us, and explained what the emergency was..." Mikey respond, monotone.

"Hey ran, you owe me" koko spoke and crosses his arms.

"Yeah right..." I respond

"Lets go" mikey spoke in a calm tone. As all of us exited the building. And headed towards our van.

"I'll bring you back. I'll save you" I thought to myself as we were on our way to get back y/n.

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