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Third person POV

"agree, I'll work as a waitress..." She respond with nervous tone. Her hands were still glued to her lap as she keep looking down and thinking if she had made the right decision.

"Good. Take the money and go upstairs" ran said with a smirk on his face.

Y/n touched the stack of money on the table and feel the thick stack of cash. She slowly grabbed them all and hugged it to herself.

Her face was full of shock as she stood up with money in her hands.

"Thanks ran" she smiled and exits the door. The guard guided her upstairs.

Ran was left in the room. He picked his phone from his pocket. Dial and called someone.

Ringgg ringgg

"Hello Mr. Haitani Ran, what can I help you?" The manager upstairs speak through the phone.

"A new girl wants to work in the club starting right now. Make sure she'll work as a waitress. Nothing else" ran hang up the phone immediately without hesitation.

He finishes his drink in one gulp. And put the glass on the table. He fixed his tie and exits the room.

"I'll make a good use of you, y/n" ran mumbled and smirk was form in his lips.

Another guy entered the club and walks towards ran. He was smaller in height compared to ran.

"Well, who is this new girl your talking about?" The other guy said. Speaking in a boring tone.

"Hold your horses rindou, you'll meet her soon" ran respond with exciting tone.

Rindou on the other hand smirked as he heared a good interesting news from his brother. They both walk upstairs, to meet this new girl.


Y/n was talking to the manager upstairs in the dressing room.

"Wear this and go to the counter after putting this on" the manager hurriedly spoke as he was also handling other girls.

There were girls wearing revealing clothes. Some girls are still doing their make-ups. Some girls are going out on stage and some are going back half naked, after they performed.

Y/n looked at her uniform and was speechless.

She have to wear a red beaded bra and a tiny skirt. Which is too revealing for her.

Y/n was second guessing her choice on accepting the offer. She really doesnt wanna do this job. And now shes blaming herself.

But theres no turning back now.

"Sweety, wear them and quickly follow us. Were gonna serve the costumers" one of the girls said.

"I'll do your make up if you want" the other girl said.

She was guided on a changing room and she strip herself naked. She wore the outfit that was given to her. And wrap the stack of cash in her hoodie. She also neatly fold her clothes and place them in a locker.

When she got out from the changing room. The other girls helped her with her hair and make up. They also let her lend some of their extra sandals.

"Perfecto, now go go go!" The manager said after looking at y/n from head to toes.

When they open the door, the loud music was neared. She followed the girls outside. As they all walk towards the counter and serve the costumers.

She looked down as they pass through a lot of men. She held both of her hands because she felt uncomfortable.

"New girl, you go there and serve those mens in suits" the girl from the counter spoke.

She handed y/n a tray of 3 glasses with wine on it. Y/n looked at the direction she was about to serve to. It was ran and another guy, rindou.

"Okay, first day of the job. Here i go" she mumbled under her breathe and grab the tray.

She walk towards the haitani, she seems nervous and shy because of her uniform.

As she was standing infront of the haitani's table. Rindou looked at her up and down. From head to toe, his face was neutral and didnt show any expression.

She gave rindou a smile. Even though shes nervous and uncomfortable.

Rindou smirk at the sight of her. He then look at ran across the table. Ran was smirking and looking at him. The haitani looked at each other as if they were talking telepathy.

"Thanks y/n" ran spoke which broke the long starring between him and rindou.

"W-welcome, ran" y/n awkwardly smiled and bent down to put the glasses with wine on the table.

However, as she bend down. Rindou saw her cleavage. He kept staring at it for more than 5 seconds.

Then, rindou cleared his throat and sat properly. He fixes his tie and looked at the stage to where some of the strippers were.

"3 more days, remember?" Ran smiled and looked at y/n infront of him.

"Yes, 3 more days..." Y/n repeated with an awkward tone.

As she was about to turn around and walk away. Ran grab her hips and pulled her down to sat next to him.

Y/n was shocked as she was pulled down and sat next to ran haitani. A blush on her cheeks was felt and her heart was beating so fast because of the sudden pull.

"I almost forgot, why dont you spend some 20 minutes with us" ran spoke as he snaked his hands around y/n's waist.

Y/n felt shivers because of ran's hand that was on her hips. She cant deny any of the request. Because this is money. And she needed it.

The whole 20 minutes was just awkward. Ran talking to y/n, as rindou kept stealing glances at her from head to toe.

After her first shift, ran additionally paid y/n $50 for costumer service.

And as for rindou, well he was quiet the whole time. Enjoying a lovely view infront of him. Eyeing on his prey.

Y/n seems starting to like the company with ran. Little did she know, things just getting started.

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