ch22 final

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Third Person Pov

'sorry rindou, I have to do it' ran thought while driving.

They drove towards the forest and hiking site in japan. That was a long drive.

Ran saw a dirt path towards inside of the forest, he turned and drove.

While he drive, his other hand reached for something beside his chair. While the other continue to grip the steering wheel.

Y/n was confused and scared, because she dont know what will happened next.

She was shaking in fear and then moved quickly as she tighten her seatbelt.

She saw ran haitani putting on a gas mask. Her eyes widened.

"Ran, whats happening?" She asked. Worried and confusion came at her all at once.

But ran didnt respond. He just continue driving and adjust his gas mask. And when he already put his gas mask on, he then pressed something. A button.

He pressed a random button from his suit.

A white smoke came out from the rearview mirror. Y/n quickly realized it and covered her nose with both her hands.

She then hold her breath, trying not to inhale the smoke.

"You wont last a minute without gas mask" ran spoke which making y/n.

Y/n kept covering her nose, not until ran drove over a rock. The car jump a little making y/n hit her head on the window beside her. She got startled and gasp.

Then after she breath in the smoke, she didnt fight it. She let the poison gas take her. She went weak as she was started to get dizzy. She leaned back on her seat and didnt fight back.

Her visions becomes blurry as her head went numb. Before passing out she let out her voice and spoke...

"...ran, Im scared..." And then she lost consciousness.

After a few seconds ran reached the end of the dirt path. It reveals a cliff.

He stopped the car and opened the windows, letting the smoke fade.

He then exits the car and took off his mask. Breathing fresh air, he walk near the cliff and examine.

Below the cliff is the ocean. Just a plain but very deep water.

He puts his hands on his pocket and walk back to his car.

He glanced his watch. 3:58 am.

He enter the car and sat. He watched the unconscious y/n who was sleeping beside him.

He stared at her for a couple of seconds.

He was confused. He wants her. He dont want to mess up. He remember her mother, but when he looked at her he forgot everything.

He dont want to be left alone again. He wanted something for himself. Something that would complete him.

He looked away. The feeling of uncertainty was all he could ever think.

~~time skip~~

[Author: Try to listen to adele 'skyfall' because I think it would fit the scene]


The sky turned grey as rain formed and getting ready to fall.

The ocean waves came clashing at each other. The water was deep blue colored.

Birds came flying up in the sky. Flying in group.

Ran was standing near the cliff, he was trying to calm his mind. Until he thinks of something.

OBSÉSSĪØN (BONTEN Ran haintani x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now