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"Code green" rindou told the driver. And then the car started moving forward.

Sanzu once again turn his head around and looked at us at the back.

"What are we gonna do at the penthouse?" Sanzu spoke with questionable gaze.

Then rindou who was behind sanzu kicked the front seat. Making sanzu stumbled infront.

"What?" I asked with questionable face.

"What? Did I say penthouse?? No~~" sanzu then spoke with sarcastic tone.

"SANZU!" rindou got mad and suddenly kicked the back of sanzu's seat, again.

The two started mocking and arguing. And I left alone in the middle. Feeling a bit awkward.

"Quiet down you two" ran spoke which made the two stopped bickering.

The whole ride was quiet not until ran started to asked me questions.

"So, y/n I was wondering if... You know... Everybody get this questions asked before they get straight to work..." Ran started.

"Hmmm... Why?" I asked.

"Well, heres the question... why do I need to CHOOSE YOU for this kind of job?" Ran asked while doing some hand motions.

He was a very natural speaker, i see. But the problem is, how do I answer if I actually just need money??

"Well, the truth is..." Here I go...

"Go on, I wont judge your responses" ran said and smiled.

I go blank for second. Because look at it. His smile. His so handsome. Honestly. Wait... Go back to answering the question y/n. Dammit.

"Well, you should hire me to work with you because first of all I can handle everything. And Im a hard worker" I said very confident.

In that moment I realized what I just said.

Shit! Hard Worker? Me? Im just a couch potato. The fuck did that hard work WORD came from?

"Can handle EVERYTHING?... My my, hallelujah!" Sanzu exclaimed. He was very excited about something.

"Lucky" rindou spoke in a bored tone. I noticed rindou had this neutral expression since 3 days ago. This guy dont express emotions.

"Well, I should hire you to work for me...since you said HARDWORK..." ran spoke.

I awkwardly laugh at myself for lying and embarrassing myself. I sit there, quietly.  Not gonna give myself a chance to speak ever again.

Well it wasn't boring anyways, cause sanzu was talking nonsense in the front sit.

I say quietly in the back seat as I was listening to sanzu.

"Y/n are you okay?" Ran worriedly asked while looking at me. It was so sudden.

"Yeah, Im fine. Thanks for asking?" I respond. Confused.

"No, seriously. Im sorry for making you answer that question I had in mind" ran said.

"Im very sorry" ran said. I can see his face that is full of worried. But Im fine, theres nothing wrong.

"Ran, seriously. Im fine" I smiled and make sure that Im fine.

"No, you look pale... Maybe your parched... Here y/n have some water" ran said and handed me a bottle of water.

"Jeez ran. Im fine, but yeah Im really thirsty though" I said and he hand me a bottle of water. I slowly grab the water from him and thanked him. 

I open the cap and slowly drink the water from the bottle. I drank half of it and gave it to ran.

Ran puts it back to where he picked it up.

Then the driver started driving fast. Its making me... Feel... Dizzy.

"Can you please slow the car down, Im not feeling very well" I requested.

A hand grabbed my shoulders. And saw ran haitani looking at me. He was smiling?

"Ran, tell the driver... to drive slow..." I said as my visions started becomes blurry. Everything started to spin, so as ran.

My mind slowly went blank. I couldn't feel my legs. And the tip of my fingers started to go numb.


A very loud bell like sound was all I heared.

I saw ran touching my cheeks and making me look at him. He was smirking and mouthing some words that I couldn't hear. 

My eyes started to close...

But before I could fully close my eyes...

All I see was ran...

Infront of me...

Looking at me...

With lust in his eyes...
"Sleep for now...y/n"

OBSÉSSĪØN (BONTEN Ran haintani x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now