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I woke up of the sound of a girl screaming in pain.
I fully opened my eyes as I heared a gun shot. It echoed in the entire room.

My heart beats rapidly, as I got scared of the sound of gun.

My head hung low as I feel something holding me back.

A few seconds later, I realized that I was in a chair. All tied up.

My breathing was abnormal, as I was gasping for more air.

I need air...

"Look whose awake?" I heared rindou.

"Ahh" I gasped.

"It was sanzu's fault for waking up y/n" rindou spoke.

"If that bitch hadn't bite my hand, then her head wouldn't have holes!" Sanzu respond.

I heared them arguing again. I wanna see whats going on...I decided to look up. But that was just a mistake.

Because infront of me was, ran.

Sitting on a metal chair infront of me. He crossed his legs while his right hand held a gun. His hands were at his sides.

My eyes widen as I saw blood stains in his suit.

"Good evening!" Ran greeted me, with a joyful tone. He was smirking.

I couldn't say a word. I couldn't make a sound. I was speechless.

Who is this man infront of me? I dont know who he is. His not the Ran Haitani I met.

"You two... Leave" ran spoke without even taking a glance at the two. They both leave in an instance. Without any word.

I looked around the room to avoid ran's gaze.

As I look around, it was a room with no windows. The walls are grey, the floor is tiled. And the only things that are in here is a table at the corner of the room, this metal chairs and...

I gasped.Tears forming at the corner of my eyes.

I couldn't believe what I just saw. It was a girls corpse, bathing on her own blood.

She was wearing a maid outfit. And was covered in blood. On her head there was hole.

And at the hole there was blood rushing out and parts of the brain that was peeking out of her head.

Her arms and legs were all bruised and broken.

I looked away from the dead body of the poor girl. And started to vomit. I vomited on my thighs.

"Like what you see?" Ran spoked.

My visions becomes blurry as I was having a hard time catching my breathe.

Everything went black. As soon as ran said those words. My body started to feel numb and I didnt feel that I was loosing conscious.
"Y/n?... Hey?" I heared a voice. Calling my name.

"Y/n..." Again...

I slowly opened my eyes. As the shining light on the ceiling came blinding me as soon as I open my eyes.

I then sat on, what seems to be a bed?

I jolted quickly and get out of bed. And scan the room. I saw rindou sitting next to the bed.

"Are you okay?" Rindou asked.

I didnt respond, as the scene earlier came replaying on my mind. My body started to feel weak.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Rindou spoke and stood up. He walk towards me.

He gently grab my arm as he wanted to help me. But I shrug his hand and proceed to look at him in the eye.

Third Person POV

Y/n was shivering in fear. She hugged herself and look at rindou in the eye.

Fear was seen in her eyes.

Rindou tried to help her but she refuses to be helped.

"There's nothing to be feared, y/n" rindou spoke and slowly approached her again.

"No! Stay back! Dont come near me" y/n said in fear.

"I wont do anything, I just wanna help you-"rindou said but suddenly cut off by y/n.

"No!... Leave me alone" y/n broke down to tears. She cover both of her ears as she sat on the floor in the corner of the room.

She stayed her distance from rindou, who is now confused. Rindou let her be and sat on the bed. Watching her with expressionless face.

This guy doesnt really express facial expression. More like a robot.

"I-I d-dont wanna b-be here!" Y/n stuttered.

"Ran told me to keep an eye on you..." Rindou spoke.

"I'll give up all the money he gave me, just please..." Y/n cried.

The door slightly opened, revealing Ran haitani.

"No... You will start to work for me, y/n" ran said in a cocky tone.

"Ran..." Y/n jolted to her feet and sprinted across the room towards ran haitani. Who was standing by the door.

Once she was infront of him, y/n kneel down.

"Im sorry, Please... I change my mind" y/n said begging ran haitani.

"A deal is a deal..." Ran respond.

Y/n's face becomes hopeless as she spotted a gun. Ran was carrying a gun and held it in his hand.

"Follow my orders and I PROMISE not to hurt you" ran haitani said as he lean down facing y/n. He raised his hand as he promised not to hurt her if only she will follow his orders.

Y/n Didnt respond, as fear kept her frozen in place.

"Will you follow my orders? Y/n?" Ran asked ina sarcastic but polite way.

She didnt respond.

"I said, WILL YOU follow my orders?" Ran asked again, this time his impatient and started to get mad.

Y/n nod in fear, but still didnt spoke. She shake her head and agree with what ran said.

"Good" ran said and stood straight.

"Rindou, what do you want for tonight's dinner?" Ran asked rindou.

"Lets have steak and red wine" rindou respond directly.

Ran loosen his tie and ruffle his hair. He took of his bloody suit, revealing a clean purple waistcoat. Ran exited the room, leaving y/n on the floor. Scared and hopeless.

OBSÉSSĪØN (BONTEN Ran haintani x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now