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Ran coudnt kept waiting as he was itching to shoot someone. He immediately exited the van without a plan in mind. Walking inside the abandoned building.

He heared gun shots everywhere, meaning the fight had started.

An enemy run towards him with a knife in hand. He then shot it on the head without hesitation. The body fell lifeless on the ground as the knife was throwed far away.

Every person attempting to run towards him will fall down without even touching him, nor injured him.

Ran haitani reached the middle part of the building. He saw mikey fighting shimizen.

Mikey saw him and his eyes widens.

"Ran! What are you doing?!" Mikey yelled. He was kicked by shimizen because the lost of focus towards the enemy.

Mikey flew away as he was kicked very hard. Koko immediately catched mikey and hide him to safety.

"Shimizen you bastard!" Ran yelled at shimizen. Then shimizen smirked.

"Ah hello! Welcome ran! Ive been expecting you to visit me" shimizen said as he smiled at ran.

"Where is she?!" Ran angrily snarled back. As he then point his gun towards shimizen.

"Oh? You're girl? Ah yes, she was having fun at the back... Wanna join her?" Shimizen teased and lied to ran, as Ran coudnt keep his cool anymore.

Ran haitani pulled the trigger as bullets came flying towards shimizen. He dodge the bullets and launch towards ran haitani punching him in the stomach.

Ran catched his hands on time and immediately shot shimizens stomach.

Shimizen fell to the ground, without even moving.

"Thats what you get for stealing y/n!" Ran haitani then reload his gun and turn his back towards the enemy.

Rindou then came back carrying the unconscious y/n. All tied up. Her clothes were all stained and dirty.

"Bring her back to the van" ran ordered his brother as rindou nods and carry y/n back to the van.

Suddenly, shimizen raised his gun and pointed it towards rans back. He pulled the trigger and shot ran at his lower back.

"Thats why... You never turn your... Back againts... Me" shimizen spoke as blood came out of his mouth. He coughed blood.

Takeomi shot shimizen on the head, ending his life quickly.

Ran drop to the ground as blood came trickling down his wound. He coughed blood as the rest of bonten helped him get in the car.

"Ran!" Sanzu yelled as he noticed ran was on the ground. Laying on a puddle of his own blood.

Ran coudnt speak nor move because of the intense pain on his stomach. Sanzu and kakucho helped carried ran back to the van.

Koko stayed behind them and check if there are still enemies around the place.

Mikey walk infront of injured ran. They all get back to the van.

Rindou lay y/n in one of the chairs as sanzu insisted to stay with y/n at the back of the van.

Ran was being seated on the middle of the van. Making sanzu and y/n behind him.

Rindou was the one driving, making sure everyone got in the van. Beside him in the front seat was koko.

Then mikey was behind the drivers seat. He sat there and ordered rindou to drive back to the headquarters.

The van started moving and rindou drove back to the headquarters.


Once got back at the hq (head quarters) they lay ran down on the table and started treating his wounds.

Koko was the one doing the surgery as he was the one so sure of his ability. The other helped koko in his surgery.

Rindou insist on cleaning y/n while she was still unconscious. He carried y/n to the bathroom and gently placed her on the tub.

He stripped her and turns on the faucet.

Once the tub was full of water, rindou grabbed a soap and started scrubbing y/n skin gently.

Taking all the dirt out of her body. Then he shampoo her hair and gently scrubbing it.

Rindou noticed a bruised on y/n stomach. He examine the bruised and it was really bad. But he still continues his job.

After that he rinsed the soap out of her body and wrapped her in a towel. She was still unconsious.

Carrying her back, rindou went to a room and closed the door. He gently puts y/n down a sofa.

He took of his jacket and covered the unconscious y/n. Rummaging of bonten clothes, he spotted a long red coat that belongs to koko.

He grabbed it and it fits y/n. Just a little bigger than he thought. But still fits.

Then rindou sat on the sofa, waiting for y/n to wake up. Also, guarding her while shes still unconscious.

(I think koko would be a great doctor, u know)

OBSÉSSĪØN (BONTEN Ran haintani x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now