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I found a cheaper apartment for only $50. I dont know why this cheap but Im taking this.

Cause where else I could go. I was thrown out by my not real parents.

The land lady showed me the place I rented. And it was very small.

When we walk inside, a door to your left was the bathroom, then you pass on a small kitchen and at the end of the hallways is a room.

The walls are plain boring white. A glass sliding window was seen at the end of the room. Outside the sliding window was a small balcony.

Its small and I think only 1 person can live here. And that person is me.

Me and the land lady talk for like 3 minutes. I thanked the land lady and then she handed me the key to my apartment.

She didnt tell me more about the place. Only stuff about when I have to pay and she also show me her office. Incase if I needed her.

"Have a nice rest dear. You look awfully exhausted" the land lady said and worried smile was seen on her face.

"Thanks, I just came back from travel" I lied and forced a fake smile. To show the land lady that Im fine and nothing to worry about.

"Okay dear" she slowly closes the door as she exits and I bow down, showing respect to her.

I stood straight and took off my coat. I left my shoes at the door and took off my socks.

I went to my room and unpack all my stuff. But before that I check the place first.

First, I went and check the water in the bathroom and in the kitchen. I turn the faucet and Its working.

Second, the electricity in the place. Yep its safe and its working.

Third, some insects. I search around the corner and negative.

I walk back to my room and a few creaks on the wooden floor was heared. Well maybe this place is old but its cool anyways.

Cause the lady offer me a cheaper price. I sat down the wooden floor and started unpacking my things.


After I unpack everything, I took a damp cloth that I dont need and went to the sink. I turn on the faucet and wet the cloth.

I squeeze the cloth. To lessen the excess water.

I started wiping the walls, from my room until I reached the door. I wipe all the edges and corners of the room.

And next is floor. Every bit of dust was all wiped out. As I clean the entire apartment.

After cleaning I wash the cloth properly and hang it out on the balcony to let it dry.

I stay at the balcony for a few minutes and closed my eyes. Feeling the cold breeze that hits my face.

The sound of police car driving around, as if someone had broken the rules again and drove very fast.

Sound of impatient drivers, honking their cars. As if they had very important things to attend to.

People talking loudly as they continue walking at the side walk. And teenagers laughing with their friends as they exited a coffee shop, a block away from my apartment.

People be doing busy this days. Enjoying their life. And running towards a goal. While here I am, getting kicked out of the house. Because they decided to not want me anymore-

I close the sliding window and went inside the apartment. I took off all my clothes and entered the bathroom to take a bath.

I turn the shower on and slowly step in the tub. The hot water came running down from my head down to my body.

As I was distracted by the sound of water running down the drain, I didnt noticed that I was crying. I couldn't feel my tears. I just stood there. Letting my sadness drift along the warm shower.


I turn the shower off and grab my towel. Wrapping it around my body.

I dried myself as I slid to my pajamas. I used my towel to dry my hair because I forgot to bring my hair dryer back at home.

I didnt have any bathroom necessities, my make-up, and even my personal stuff with me. Just my clothes and shoes, nothing else. I forgot to bring it with me.

I let out a long sigh and went back to my room.

I sat down the floor and pick the poster I brought with me. I grab it from my coat pocket.

Unfold the poster and read it again.

'I think I'll try it out tomorrow' I thought to myself.

And then something starts to hit me. I remember that my phone was broken and I couldn't call the number that was on the poster.

I picked my phone from my luggage and hold it. I just stare at it. As if I have magic to fix the phone in hand.

I sigh.

"This is so frustrating... I hate this" I mumbled.

I went back to my luggage and kept the poster and my phone in there. And then I grab some of my clothes and place it on the floor.

I used my coat as my blanket as I have no blanket with me.

The room temperature suddenly goes down, and I bend my knees closer to my chest trying to get warm.

I shiver in cold, as I close my eyes trying to sleep. Because tomorrow I have a lots of things to do.

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