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Ran walk to his nightstand and opened the drawer. Grabbing his one and only baton.

"Lets see what I can do with this..." Ran said.

Ran then grabbed y/n's leg. He looked at her with a smirking face.

Then he hit her ankle. As hard as he could.

Y/n screamed in pain. As ran hit her ankle over and over again. She cried and cried and scream in pain every hit she feels on her ankle.

"Ahh...stop...PLEASE...AHHH" Y/n cried in pain.

Ran twisted her ankle, making it more injured. She creamed again.

"There...I hope this will teach you a lesson to not leave my property ever again..." Ran said in anger.

Her ankle turned from red to purple. She wince in pain as she try to move her injured feet.

"I wont do it again...i wont do it again..." Y/n cried in pain.

" Ever?" Ran asked.

"Ever! I swear!" Y/n cried.

"Fine..." Ran then untie y/n wrist.

She quickly grabbed her feet. Examining the part of the intentional injury.

Ran haitani stood up and observed her. She was crying in pain. While looking at her his face suddenly turned from anger in a sad expression.

Ran haitani sigh in dismay and sat in the bed again.

"Give me your feet" ran spoke. But y/n still didnt move. She kept holding her feet.

"Are you gonna disobey me again?" Ran said.

Y/n gave in. She let go of her feet. Ran gently examine the injury he had made.

"I may have gone over the line, Im sorry" ran said as he examine and  gently massage her ankle.

"Wait a sec..." Ran stood up grab something in the nightstand.

It was a bandage. He sat on the bed again and rolled the bandage on her ankle. Y/n grab a pillow and hugged it as she tries to handle the painful injury.

"Does it still hurt?" Ran asked. He suddenly feel conscience for what he did.

Y/n nod as she hides her face on the pillow. He went closer to her and patted her head.

"Go get some sleep. I'll be sleeping downstairs" ran said and stood up. Exiting the room. Without another word he just left.

He closed the door behind him.

Y/n on the other hand was left alone in the room. She layed on her side and curled up. Hugging the pillow.

She continue crying. The heavy feeling she feels right now came overwhelmed her.

She let it all out. The cries of sorrows. The sound of pain was all you could hear from her.

Ran was just outside the door, listening to her cries. He didnt leave the door. He sat and leaned on the wall beside the door frame.


Third person pov

Its been a week since ran haitani gives y/n the injury. And everyday she hopes that the pain she's suffering right now will go away. With high hopes she wish she didnt come with them in the first place.

Y/n then started working as ran's personal maid. She was tasked to clean his house, do his laundry and that includes all the chores.

Then ran made a rule for y/n to follow. First, is NEVER TRY TO ESCAPE. This rule which y/n already know. Second, never touch his weapons. That includes the guns and knives. Lastly, third she will always do what he says. No matter what.

OBSÉSSĪØN (BONTEN Ran haintani x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now