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Rindou POV

"Dammit! That fucking hurt" I whined as I touched my cheeks.

Ran goes over the line for acting. This doesnt go the way he planned out.

I stood up from the floor, my back hurts because of the impact that I made when ran punched me.
After a day when ran already have woken up. He called for me to ask about his request.

"Ran I send you the voicemail of her back story" I said.

He looked on his phone. A smirk was plastered on his lips as he listens to the voicemail.

"Good" he respond.

"What now?" I asked. I cross my arms and sigh.

"Lets do a skit" Ran said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Umm... Let me think" he respond and put his left hand on his waist as he think of something.

Ran walked in circles as I was waiting for his respond.

"By the way, why do you want y/n? I mean... You could just tell her" I said. He stopped walking and looked at me.

"Look, if you like her just tell her right away. Talk to her" I added.

"No. Remember what our mother did in the past?" Ran asked me.

"Come on brother, that happened a long time ago" I respond.

"Rindou you dont understand. Your just a little child back then" ran said.

"So are you" I said, raising my voice a little. I realized what I have done.

"...sorry..." I apologized.

We both stayed silent for a moment... The room was very quiet and it is deafening.

"Find out everything about her, and then leave the rest to me..." He spoke. Breaking the silence.

"Got it" I respond.
~(end of flashback)~

"Dammit! You didnt tell me that your plan was to punch me..." I mumbled and wipe the blood on my mouth.


The sound of notification was heared as I felt my phone vibrated from my pocket. I picked it up and saw the caller id. Sanzu.

(Sanzu: where are you?)

(Sanzu: lets grab a drink)

That bastard. Messaging me at a bad time.

(Rin: you bastard. Pick me up, I need a bottle or two)

I respond and shove my phone back in my pocket.

I exited the house and locked the door. I rode down the elevator and thats when I saw sanzu standing at the exit.

"Woah, what happened to you?" Sanzu asked.

"Lets just go, sanzu" I spoke and sat on the front seat.

"Lets get some girls to make you feel better, okay?" The bastard smiled and drove off towards the bar.

I slump back at me seat and rest for a bit. Wait till I face ran, he has explaining to do.

~~~~~~ NALP ~~~~~

(Try to flip the word)

OBSÉSSĪØN (BONTEN Ran haintani x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now