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(I recommend you guys listen to lady gaga 'love game' instrumental. Because I think it fits This chapter)



"Mhhh" I couldnt speak because of the tape on my mouth.

"Shut her up" the guy earlier who kicked the door ordered.

"Mhh!" I yelled in pain. As someone kicked my stomach. I coudnt cough because the tape is blocking my mouth.

My stomach felt an immense pain as I forced myself to not get unconscious because the pain is getting intense.

I kept quiet because they might do it again. I just listen to my sorroundings, hopefuly getting a clue where I was this time.

Drip drip

A sound of water falling to the puddle is what I heard. Maybe Im in an abandoned building.

Sound of heavy footsteps kept walking around me. Some sounds are reloading a gun. And the sound of mumbling, like talking but I cannot tell because its far away.

"What are we gonna do with her, boss?" A guy asked.

"Once ran haitani comes and rescue the girl, shoot him immediately" the boss ordered.

"Boss... How about the girl?" The guy asked once again.

"Leave her there, shoot her if she escapes" the boss ordered.

My body felt shivers as I heard 'Shoot'. My mind kept thinking about 'ran' that he would save me.

My hearts starts beating loudly as I was laying on the cold cement floor.

I believe Im at an abandoned building or what seems to be just a normal hide out.

A few minutes later. A sound of squeeking tires came at halt somewhere.

Footsteps began running towards that direction.

"Boss, his hear" one of the guys reported.

"Hehehe..." Their boss errie giggled.

' me' I thought to myself.


Third Person POV

Bonten stopped infront of an abandoned building.

kakucho, sanzu and rindou got out of the van as they pulled out their guns, then shoots their enemies.

Ran was about to go out but mikey stopped him.

"Stay here... All they want is you. They kidnapped your girl to lure you here" mikey ordered as he explained his theory.

"Shes not... But I have to rescue her-" ran argued as he was about to get off the van.

Mikey signaled koko, as koko grab his gun and pointed it to ran. Ran was stunned and looked at mikey with questionable face.

"Mikey, whats this supposed to mean?" Ran asked in an anger tone.

"Stay here, ran. Or else I will shoot you" koko spoke.

"Mikey?!" Ran snapped.

"Ran, just listen man..." Koko spoke.

Ran haitani clenched his teeth as leaned back in his seat. He let out a sigh and breathes deeply.

His looks could tell that he wanted to kill someone. He was thirsty for revenge.

"Koko, follow me" mikey ordered as the two exited the van. Leaving ran haitani behind.

"That fucker!" Ran yelled in frustration.

All bonten make their way inside. As they shoot every enemy going their way.

"Well, well. If it isnt bonten!" Shimizen spoke, sarcasticaly.

"Shimizen!" Mikey called.

"Oh if it isnt the invincible mikey" shimizen responded.

"Give back what belonged to us. Now!" Mikey ordered.

"Mhh? Give back what belongs to you? Sure, why not. After all the haitanis break my arm and stole my 100 million of cash!!" Shimizen snapped. As he showed the broken arm.

"Lucky you, we only break you're arm instead of that tiny dick of yours" rindou sarcastically spoke.

Sanzu laughed histerically as he hit rindou on the shoulders. The rest of bonten giggled while mikey kept eye contact with shimizen.

"Shut up you!" Shimizen hissed in anger.

"Give her back, or we gonna do this my way" mikey spoke.

"How about a... No" shimizen respond as he tried to shot mikey.

Mikey quickly dodge the bullet and run towards him. The two started fighting. Mikey using his gun to shoot him but shimizen was also too quick to be shot by the bullet.

The rest of bonten hide on the corners shooting the rest of the enemy while mikey handle the leader.

OBSÉSSĪØN (BONTEN Ran haintani x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now