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Third Person POV

Everyone greeted ran haitani the next morning. As they have heared the news that he was finally awake from a deep slumber.

Rindou was the second person to discover person that he had wake up. Because y/n told him.

When rindou saw ran was walking around the room, he froze in his place and stared at his brother. Then he walk towards him and hugged him.

"Oh is my sweet little rindou that worried about me?" Ran teased his emotionally worried brother.

"Fuck you, next time if you arent careful Im the one who's gonna shoot you" rindou responds as he broke the hug.

"Come on, is that how you treat a brother after being shot?" Ran asked.

Rindou didnt respond instead he pulled out his phone and called koko. Telling him that ran had woken up.

The next hour, everyone rushes inside the room. All of their expressions were relief and happy.

Koko teased ran as he started to cry.

"Fuck you ran, I almost lost you while doing surgery. DONT FUCKING DO THAT AGAIN!" koko cried and wipe his tears.

"Welcome back, you piece of shit!" Sanzu greeted with a big smile on his face.

"Oi, fuck you sanzu" ran respond.

Kakucho tapped his shoulders and gave him a smile.

"Ran, you better listen to me next time or else Im the one killing you..." Mikey spoke which leave ran smiling awkwardly.

"Just kill him now, mikey" sanzu requested. Everyone looked at him.

"Im kidding" sanzu then quickly left the room.

~~~(time skip)

Its been 2 weeks and everything went back to normal. Bonten going on missions. While y/n is back at the penthouse. Cleaning.

Ran still ignore y/n. Making her do extra work. And wouldn't even talk to her.

He stopped hitting her and abusing her. Which is a good thing. But in return he would ignore her.

Ran was also busy catching up in his work. Sometimes he would go home very late at night, because mikey making him do extra work.

Y/n and rindou would hang out together. Rindou would always bring y/n some snacks when he got back.

Since rindou and ran dont really have the same job to do. Rindou have more free time than ran.

Sometimes rindou would bring y/n to the mall. They would go shopping. Eat ice creams but in one condition.

Y/n would go back to the penthouse before 5pm, or else they will be in trouble.


"Y/n what about this? What you think?" Rindou ask as he point at a section of shoes/sandals being displayed on the stand in the mall.

"Mhh... Nope. Can I get these instead?" Y/n respond as she grab the red sandals.

"I like it either way..." Rindou said as he wear his mask up to his nose.

Rindou wore a mask so he wont get recognize. And also wore disguise.

"We should pay" rindou said as he glance in the watch in his wrist.

"4:51pm... We gotta go" rindou said.

"Okay I'll go pay for these..." Y/n spoke in a hurry as rindou followed her.

After they pay, they walk out of the mall carrying some bags of stuff they bought.

Rindou opened the car and y/n sets down the bags on the back seat.

The two drive back to the penthouse. While driving back, ran returns home.

As he opens the door he found out y/n isnt there.

He searched everywhere. The rooms. Every corner of the place. No sign of y/n.

He went to the cctv and checked.

"Not again..." He mumbled. He moved the mouse as he click onto some files.

Once he found the footage, he clicked onto it and review.

He saw y/n mopping the floor. It seems normal. Then suddenly rindou came and talk to her.

Y/n smiled at him. The two were seen talking to each other. Then y/n was seen walking out of the living room and went upstairs.

After a couple of minutes, she was seen wearing a dress. As if he and rindou were going out.

Ran squint his eyes as he review the cctv. He clenched his teeth and watched the screen with threatening eyes.


The sound door knob being unlocked was heared. Rindou and y/n got back from the mall.

Y/n sat down the couch in the living room. The bags were all on the floor.

"Im gonna unpack those later..." Y/n said as she took of her sandals.

"Im glad we got back, ran isnt here yet-" rindou was cut off of his words when he saw his brother ran standing at the corner of the room.

Ran crosses his arms, his face shows anger and exhaled from his nose.

"Well, Rindou haitani Im here" ran spoke in an irritated tone.

"Uh... When did you-" rindou stood up as he asked ran. But was cut off again.

"Before you got here" ran wasn't pleased with them.

"And you y/n. I told you to do your chores" ran turn his head towards y/n.

"Im sorry ran, I was-" y/n stood up and walk towards ran. But she stopped talking when ran slapped her.


The painful sound was heared around the room. Y/n lowered her head and touched her swollen cheek.

"Ran, you dont do that to her!" Rindou exclaimed and pull y/n behind him.

"I can DO that to her..." Ran respond with angry tone.

"How can you SAY THAT! PROVE IT!" Rindou yelled.

"Because SHE IS MINE! Y/N IS ONLY MINE!" ran yelled back at his brother.

"No...NO!" rindou responded and pulled y/n away from ran.

Ran then quickly reach for her arm and grab it. He pulled y/n away from rindou.

Y/n looked hurt and confused at the same time. She looked up and looked at ran's eyes.

"What are you staring at!?" Ran exclaimed.

Ran pulled y/n and walk towards the door exit.

"Ran haitani!" Rindou called and tried to pull y/n back. But then he fell on the floor as ran throwed a punch towards rindou.

A loud thud was heared as he falls down. Rindou felt dizzy as blood came out of his nose.

Ran continue to drag y/n out. They walk towards the elevator and rode down.

"Ran, you shouldnt do that to your bro-" she was cut off again as his hand came contact on her cheeks again.


She lowered her head and touched her cheek. A tear came crawling down her swollen cheek.

Ran grab her chin and forced her to look at him. As soon as she met his eyes, all she could see was anger.

"Listen to me, woman. Your mine. Only for ME. Understood!" Ran said as his grip on her chin tightens.

"Ahh! Ran it hurts!" Y/n whined and ran let her go.

OBSÉSSĪØN (BONTEN Ran haintani x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now