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Third person POV

After washing the dishes, y/n went to the living room. As she walk in she saw no one.

She thought ran was here. But she just didnt mind it. She shake her head and went upstairs to check everyone.

Upstairs there was 5 doors. She slowly went for the door at the end of the hallway.

As she opened it. It was sanzu's room.

She slowly opened the door and take a peak. Sanzu layed on his bed, wearing only his boxers as he was asleep.

His room was a plain white. A bed with grey sheets and grey pillow.

On the wall, was cabinet where he displayed his guns. And especially his katana.

Y/n closed the door as quiet as possible. Then went to open the other one.

The other one was a weapon room. Every kind of weapon was in their. Displayed perfectly.

There were guns, sniper riffle, knives, and some grenade.

Y/n then closes the door after she examine the room.

The 3rd door was rindou's room. Y/n peak at the door and rindou was also asleep.

Y/n saw his tattoo on his right side of the body. As rindou slept without clothes on. And his lower body was covered with his blanket.

Rindou's room is a little bit dark. Cause of his wall and the curtains that is grey colored.

Rindou suddenly moved to his side. Facing his back to the door. But as soon as he moved, the blanket reveal his lower back. As the blankets also moved when rindou shift in his sleep.

It reveals his whole tattoo in his back side. Cause he was sleeping naked.

Y/n have enough of what she sees and quietly closed the door.

The 4th door. Y/n proceed to open the 4th door.

She opened the 4th door and reveals it was ran haitani's room. The room where she woke up earlier.

She examine the room and found someone already sleeping on the bed.

Cause there were bumps on the blanket. Assuming ran had already slept.

Y/n closed the door again. And went downstairs. She didnt bother opening the 5th door. Cause she has something on her mind.

As she went back downstairs, she immediately goes to the kitchen and open the drawers.

Grabbing the handle, she pulled each drawers as quiet as possible.

And finally found what she needed. A knife.

She grabbed the knife and exits the kitchen, then went to the living room.

Her foot touched the cold tiled floor as she walk on the floor. From upstairs until downstairs.

She felt shivers as she went closer to the main door. She grabbed the handle and it was lock.

She then use the knife to unlock the door. By picking the lock from the door frame.

She moved the knife up and down, locating the lock.

Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, hoping she could get out of that place.

Hoping she wont be back after she, Escaped.


The sound of the door being unlocked. Y/n's eyes widened as she unlocked the door.

She slowly grabbed the door handle and twist it. Opening the door to her freedom.

She saw the hallway. The hallway out of the penthouse. To her freedom.

She stepped outside and put the knife back inside. She just placed the knife beside the door. And run towards the elevator.

She pressed the down arrow of the elevator and waited. The cold beads of sweat falls from her forehead down to her chin as she waited impatiently.

She was nervous. Nervous and scared at the same time. Nervous because she will escape. Scared because they would try and search for her.


Floor 3. The elevator door slowly opened.

As the elevator door opened y/n was ready to step in. But someone stopped her from doing so.

Her eyes widened. And her jaw dropped. Her face became pale, then both of her hands covered her mouth.

She sat down the red carpet on the floor.

"So...You have done doing the dishes as what I told you..." Ran haitani said. Holding a cigarette between his fingers  as he blows the smoke from his mouth.

He glanced at his watch. 10:20pm.

"Escaping huh?" Ran haitani said in a deep voice.

He step out the elevator and throwed the cigarette butt into the nearby trash can.

Y/n make a run for it as Haitani ran turns around to throw and finishes his last stick of cigarette.

Running to the other direction, y/n kept running. But she stumble and fall on the floor. Then ran haitani walked towards her.

She didnt stopped and look back, as she then continue to crawl.

Crawl and crawl. But ran haitani catched her and stepped on her hand.

"Ahhh" she winched in pain.

Ran kneel to the floor then grabbed a handful of her hair. And pulled it back, he forced her to look at him. While she was on the floor.

"Not very nice of you to escape..." Ran spoke.

"What did I tell you about disobeying me?... Punishment" ran said and let go of her hair.

He then turn her the other way and carried her in his shoulders. He went back to his house and locked the door after entering.

He then went upstairs to his bedroom. Opening the door he throwed y/n on the bed.

Y/n got dizzy as she was suddenly thrown on the bed. She held her head as she was still dizzy.

Ran locked the door in his bedroom and untie his necktie. He grabbed y/n wrist. Both of her wrist and tied it up on the corner of the bed.

"I'll teach you a lesson for disobeying me..." Ran said in an angry tone.

"Im sorry, please... Let me go, ran-" y/n begged but was cut by ran haitani.

"Mr. Haitani to you!" He exclaimed in anger.

Ran walk to his nightstand and opened the drawer. Grabbing his one and only baton.

"Lets see what I can do with this..." Ran said.

OBSÉSSĪØN (BONTEN Ran haintani x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now