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I went for a walk outside the apartment and search for a nearby phone booth.

Walking on the side walk with my hands both in my pocket. Some people who I walk passed with stare and look at me.

"She's so intimidating..." A girl said.

"Stop talking or she'll hear you" the other girl respond.

I just walk passed them not paying attention to what they're saying. I have to find a job. Like, ASAP.

Negative comments wont help me save money anyways, so why would I stop and care for what they say.

"Annoying pick me's..." I mumbled. So that they wont hear what I just said.

I saw something at the nearby coffee shop. I walk fast as I squint my eyes because I couldn't tell if that is what Im searching for.

As I began saw it clearly, my hopes were up again.

Just what Im searching for. A phone booth.

I open the glass door of the booth and enter. I check my pockets.

I sigh in dismay. The poster that I picked up yesterday was left back at the apartment.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breathe. I cant give up yet. I really need some money right now.

I stood inside the booth and stared at my shoes. Staring into my shoes my mind went blank. I couldn't think of a plan.

I couldn't think of anything at all. What should I do? What should I do next-

Knock knock knock

I looked up and turn around. An old man holding a newspaper rolled in his hand and smoking cigarette knock on the glass door on the booth.

"Are you gonna stand there and do nothing?! Come on. I need to use the phone" the old man impatiently demanded.

I looked at him for a few seconds and sigh. I got out of the booth and didn't glanced at him.

I walked away from the phone booth and decided to walk back to my apartment building.

While walking on the side walk, I smell something delicious.

I traced the smell. It was a sweet and beefy aroma that makes me hungry.

I scan the place around me and I found out it was from a ramen shop.


I clutch my stomach with my right hand. And looked down. I couldn't afford to get a ramen for myself. But Im hungry.

"Maybe I sould try to talk to the owner of the ramen shop and beg if I could work there..." I mumbled to myself.

I nod my head as the idea suddenly pop out of my mouth.

Well I think this is it. Im gonna do it. Im so hungry that I dont feel shy, all thats in my head is 'I wanna fuckin eat'.

I walk towards a pedestrian and crossed the street. Then quickly head to the ramen shop.

I entered the shop. A little bell was heared as I open the glass door.

"Welcome!" The shops waiter greeted me from the counter.

I walked towards the counter and stare at the menu infront of me. It was displayed on a large tv by the counter.

All of the picture on the menu was mouth-watering. I feel very hungry as I stared at it for a long time.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked.

"Can I get a bowl of ramen, please?" I kindly ask.

"Bowl of ramen, coming right up!" The waiter said as he write down my order on a piece of paper.

"That'll be $15" he said. I panicked as I didnt bring any money with me.

"$15??" I repeated what he said.

"Yes maam, $15" he repeated.

"Pardon? Can I pay after I eat?" I awkwardly said. The waiter looked at me.

"Sorry maam, but you have to leave this shop if you cant pay" the waiter pushed me and guide me out of the shop.

The other costumers looked at me. All eyes on me as I was getting kicked out of the shop.

I was almost at the door when a guy at the corner stood up and walked towards me.

"I'll pay for her meal" the guy said and looked at me. He was wearing a tinted glasses and his hair was purple with black highlights.

I couldn't tell his eyes because of the glasses, but I can tell that his literally looking at me.

"That'll be $15 sir" the waiter said, and the guy pulled out a black card.

"Do you accept card payment?" The guy asked with his deep muscular voice.

I blushed when I heared him speak cause it was so fuckin hot.

"Yes sir, please follow me" the waiter said and we both follow.

After paying for my meal, the guy insist that I should join him at the table around the corner.

I followed him to his table and then we both sat down. He pulled out a chair and insist that I should sit there.

He was a gentlemen. And I blushed for the second time, then thanked him.

"Thank you for paying my meal" I said.

"No problem, I can see that your very hungry. And as a citizen I should help those in need" the guy said and smiled.

I noticed that he didnt took off his glasses as he continue eating his ramen.

"Please, eat" he said in a gentle voice and his hand point at my ramen. He noticed that I wasn't eating yet so he reminds me.

Silly me.

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