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Third person POV

(The other day)

Y/n went to the address. She walked a few blocks and makes a lot of turn from left to right. And until she arrived at a secret location.

She wore a hoodie and some long skirt, she also wore shoes that matches her outfit.

When she arrived, her jaw dropped. It was a club or some call it a bar.

She feels chills all around her body as she took another step towards the entrance.

She held the card in both hands and keep it closer to her chest. As she walks on a dark entrance.

The walls were dark colored and there were lights. But the lights were dim that you cant really tell a persons shoes and what it looks like.

She felt a soft rug under her shoes as her shoes glide to the rug. Men in suits keep glaring at her.

They were standing at each side as y/n walked passed them. They were armed with loaded guns.

Now this makes y/n scared for her life. She regrets the decision to come here.

"Hey, hold on miss" a deep tone of voice make y/n stop walking.

She was frozen in place and couldn't move. The guy wearing suits who is one of the guards there walk towards her.

The man was tall and big. He had big shoulders and could break a bone just by his stares.

Y/n gulp her own saliva as the guard took another step infront of her.

"Name?" The guard asked with monotone and deep voice. He crosses his arms as he asked the frighten girl infront of him.

"Um...y/n" she respond with shaky voice.

"Not on the list..." The guard said and gently pushed y/n towards the exit.

"Wait, wait... How about this" y/n spoke making the guard look at her with wide eyes.

Y/n showed the guard the card ran gave her when they meet at the ramen shop. The guard clear his throat and stood straight.

"Follow me, miss" the guard command as y/n quietly followed behind him.

They walk along the hallways with many doors. It has no window so its pretty dark. The hallway was shined by a dim purple light.

In each doors, there were weird sounds can be heared. In one of the doors, there were moaning from people. But it was faint.

Y/n had the chills again. Creeped out by the place, she kept her cool and followed the guard infront of her. Until they reached a room.

The guard opened the door to reveal a vip room.

The room was pretty empty and had purple LED lights. There were couches surrounding a round glass table in the middle.

In its walls, a shelves of wines was displayed. With yellow lights.

No one was inside the room except y/n. The guard leaves immediately once y/n was inside.


A sound was heared from the door. Y/n quickly run towards the door and it was locked.

"Stay in there miss, they will be arriving soon" the guard informed her.

Y/n tried to calm down and sat in one of the couches. She sat still and observe the place around her.

The room was squeaky-clean. And looks too expensive.

Y/n thought of not moving too much or else she might accidently break something.

As she continue to scan around she saw a table at the end of the couch, she went towards it and found out it was a box.

Inside the box was condoms and some tissue.

"Not a good thing to be here..." She said. She gulp on her own saliva as her breathe hitched when something suddenly opened the door.

It was the guy she met at the ramen shop. The guy who paid her meal.

"Hey, nice seeing you again" the guy said as he was wearing a purple suit.

His hair was combed neatly and he didnt wore glasses. A tattoo was seen on his neck. And one hand in his pocket.

"Hey, nice to see you too" y/n greeted him with a smile.

"Why didnt you go here yesterday? I was here until 1am in the morning" the guy said.

"Oh... Im very sorry" y/n apologized.

"Its fine. By the way, I didnt get your name" the guy asked as they both sat down the couch.

"Oh its y/n, l/n y/n" she held out a hand. The two shake hands and the guy also introduces himself.

"Ran, haitani ran. Nice to meet you, y/n" ran said and leaned in to kissed the back of her hand.

Y/n was stunned and wasn't expecting ran to do this. She blushed but was not noticed because of the lighting in the room.

"Anyways, you were saying that you want to pay me back. Was it right?" Ran asked and y/n nods her head in approval.

"Well if you really insist... Then why dont you work for me" ran said as he went to stand up and grab a bottle of wine and two empty glasses with ice cubes in it.

"Really? But what kind of work?" Y/n asked.

"You want one?" Ran asked y/n as he poured a wine on the glass and handed it to y/n.

"I'll pass, I dont drink" y/n said. Her hands both in her lap.

"Well, about the job... First you have to work here as a waiter" ran started.

"Upstairs, the bar. So work there as a waitress for 3 days... And ill decide if I want you to work for me or not" ran spoke with confidence.

His way of speaking makes y/n interested for the offer.

"Mhh..." Y/n hummed as she overly thinks the offer. She looked down on her lap as she thinks thoroughly wether she takes this job or not.

"$500 dollars if you agree on taking the offer and work today as a waitress" ran drop a stack of $500 on the table. While he takes a sip on his drink.

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