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Third person Pov

Y/n insist on taking care of ran while his still sleeping.

3 days passed ran wasn't able to wake up yet, but his wound is slowly healing. Meaning to say his gonna wake up soon.

Y/n on the other hand was not fully healed yet but can manage to do a lot of things. Her ankle was healed, but you can still see a faint bruise on that part.

Everyday she checks on him to see if had wake up. She would wipe him with wet cloth to make sure his clean everytime. Except for the parts down there.

She would check the blankets so that he wont be cold or sweating under the blanket.

Rindou would brought y/n her needs and also food. But his busy to attend the meeting on behalf of his brother.

Y/n and rindou talks about who is gonna take care of ran. The decision was made when y/n accept the deal to take care of ran. And rindou, he agrees to buy the stuff needed.



Its been 5 days and Im still currently taking care of ran. He hasn't been awake yet so Im still here beside him.

Rindou has been running the errands for me in exchange of taking care of his brother.

I stood up and went to grab a bottle of water. I needed a drink since my throat is parched.

I glance at the clock on the wall, its 3:47 am.

I usually do check the time maybe frequently because it has a possibility of ran waking up.

I open the bottled water and gulp every last drop of water. Throwing away the empty bottle I proceed to check on ran again.

I checked his temperature, to which koko had adviced me after every 2 hour I should check on ran.

"Normal" I mumbled.

I yawn, exhausted. After 5 days of not getting enough sleep. I sometimes slept 3 to 4 hours and then wake up to check on him again.

When would he wake up? I wondered.

I go back to my seat and relaxed a bit. My body quickly felt numb after I sat down. My head feels very light as I continuosly yawn.

My eyes grew more tired as I watched ran on the bed.

I close my eyes and took a nap. But suddenly...

"Ugh..." I heared a whining in pain.

I open my eyes to see ran sat on his bed.

"Ran, you're awake" I excitedly stood up and went towards him.

"My stomach hurts like hell..." He whined and look at me.

"Im glad that you're fine" he spoke, lowering his head.

"Im glad that you woke up..." I respond with a smile, and yawn. The tiredness came overwhelm me once again.

"How long have I been sleeping?" Ran asked as he gently touched his stomach. Bearing the pain.

"You have been asleep for 5 days..." I respond. And yawn again.

"Go take a rest, I can handle things from here" ran said and sway both of his legs at the corner of the bed.

He then get off and walk towards the table to get some water.

I then walk back to my seat and rest. Before closing my eyes I saw ran gulping 3 bottle of water hurriedly.

"Ran, you should slow down... Or You'll drown" I yawned and closed my eyes.

"Im gonna take a nap..." I said. Not noticing that I quickly went to sleep.


Third Person Pov

Y/n fell asleep on the chair. She slept comfortably while she hugged both of her knees and covered by a small blanket.

Ran on the other hand help himself. He grab a piece of snack from the bag and ate it.

Munching so fast on his food, he suddenly choke and started coughing.

He grab some bottle of water and drank it.

He felt relief as the food flows down in his throat. He gasp some air and controlled his breathing.

Feeling embarrased of what happened, he glanced over to y/n. He assume she didnt saw what happened.

"Hey... Are you still awake?" Ran asked.

Y/n was sleeping very peacefully but not peacefully as she was feeling cold.

Ran noticed that y/n slowly shaking. He walk towards the bed while his hand held his stomach.

He grabbed the blanket and throws it all over her. Gladly, it covered her as she was now still sleeping.

He sat on the floor and looked at her while she sleeps.

He admired her face. On how cute she was. And her skin looks very soft as she was asleep.

He smiled for a bit seeing y/n, but then stopped himself and stood up. He remember what her mom did. And he assume that all girls would do the same.

The fire in his heart slowly fading as the coldness of ice were temporarily covered every angle in his heart.

He walked away from y/n and went back on eating.

He grab as many snacks as he wants and proceed to eat none stop, as he feeds his rumbling stomach.

His face turned serious and his expression turns cold. He stared outside the window and continue eating.

OBSÉSSĪØN (BONTEN Ran haintani x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now