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"that moment my friends was interogated by the police. And I was last... The policed told me that I was the one doing drugs. That my friends told them that I was the one who is selling drugs... I coudnt defend myself at that time because everything I said the police wont even believe me... I was in prison for almost three years... Three years for being accused in doing drugs... I got out at the age of 20, and when I got back I was kicked from my own home... Then I walk in the streets and tried to find a job to buy the things I need in surviving... Everything fell apart, then I was here..." I finished the story.

A single tear fell down my cheeks. Remembering everything. All the sorrows Ive been through. It hits me like a tons of rock. I feel like ive been choked on my own tears.

I burst out crying. I cried it out. I couldnt feel the pain in my stomach anymore, all the pain Im feeling was the pain from my memories falling in place.

Rindou hand me a tissue. I used it to wipe my tears.

I then suddenly, grab a can of beer. I opened it and drank it like water. Chugging it down my throat.

I looked at rindou and saw him speechless. He stopped eating for a sec while looking at me.

After I finished my can of beer, I put it down the table and wipe my mouth using my forearm.

"I can drink beer, but just 1 can of beer" I spoke to rindou and forced a smile on my lips.

"I cant imagine, A lady would go through an experience like that. All alone" rindou shockingly said.

"Thanks and just so you know, I dont wanna go back..." I respond.


Third Person POV

The two continue munching on their foods and having a little bit of talk.

They enjoyed each others company, as y/n feels safe around rindou. Rindou on the other hand didnt mind being with y/n. Now he understood her and respected her after the little talk they did earlier.

"Im full" rindou spoke as he sat back in his chair. He was done eating so as y/n.

"Thank you for the meal" y/n spoke joyfully.

"Well you should be" rindou sarcastically respond.

The two just laughed it off as they sat there.

"I trust you rindou, thanks" y/n said. A smile appeared on her face as she look at rindou with warming smile.

"Not... Not a problem, y/n" rindou nod his head.

Y/n layed on the sofa hand in her stomach as she felt the pain once again. She tried relaxing to ease the pain shes feeling. She breathes deeply and that helps her to stop the pain from occuring.

Rindou look at y/n one more time. then he grabbed his phone. He stopped the voice recording and copied the file. He then went to send it to ran's account.

After that rindou puts his phone in his pocket. A smirk in his lips can be seen, he was looking at y/n. While she was resting.

He was recording the entire conversation between them and y/n. But y/n didnt even noticed.

Not even a single hint of when did he started to record. Rindou sigh.

"Well, Im just gonna go somewhere... Be right back" rindou spoke.

He stood up from his seat and walk out the door. Hands in his pockets. He closed the door behind him as he dissapeared in sight.

Y/n was left in the room. All alone.


The surgery was a success. Koko finally pulled out the bullet from ran's stomach. It was almost a 4 hours operation.

Luckily ran was alive. But for now he was in a deep sleep, slowly healing his body from the wound he have.

The rest of bonten went to the room where y/n was left alone. But before going inside they clean themselves first.

Opening the door, koko was first to enter then kakucho and sanzu. Koko's eyes widens as he saw his coat on y/n.

"Wait a minute... Is that mine?" Koko points at y/n.

"Oh, this coat?" Y/n sat down and points at the clothes she was wearing.

"Yes" koko respond. They open the box of pizza and each getting their own slice.

"Rindou let me wear it since I dont have anything else to wear" y/n said.

"Im gonna give it back to you, once I get to change on my own clothes" y/n added. She scratched the back of her head and awkwardly smiles at koko.

"Nah, its fine. You can borrow it. For now" koko smiled at her. And munch on his pizza.

"Y/n, how about you also wear my clothes" sanzu interupts as he sat down next to y/n and stared at her while he munch his food.

"I cant..." Y/n respond.

"Why not?" Sanzu asked, dumfounded.

"How would she wear that kind of clothes if it has stains of blood in it?" Koko spoke. Making sanzu realize. Sanzu laughed in embarrassment.

"I swear to god, sanzu. Your the most dumb but also loyal in our group" koko added.

"Strongly agree" kakucho spoke.

Mikey suddenly walk in the room, munching on his dorayaki. Everyone seems enjoying their food.

The room was pretty chill as everyone ate their food.

Meanwhile rindou went to ran. As he watched his brother laying down still asleep.

He grabbed his phone and type something. Then send it to ran.

Ran's phone at the table across the room pops up a notification.

"There you go. Just like what you ask for" rindou smiled but in a sad way.

He grabbed a chair and sits down. He then wait for ran to wake up.

OBSÉSSĪØN (BONTEN Ran haintani x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now