An Incurable Curse

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"Oh for god's sake" Kol said as Lexi and Elijah finally left his room. They had left the 'Red Room' last night when Lexi began to get tired. Kol then glared harshly at his older brother. He had quickly pieced together their late awakening and his mate's new scent. All of the other siblings entered the room trying to find the source of Kol's reaction.  An awkward silence fell upon the group when the realisation dawned on them. 

Klaus was the first to react, speeding towards his mate but was quickly stopped by Elijah who sped in between them, baring his fangs. This ended up in a hissing contest between Elijah and his siblings whilst Lexi stood in the centre of what had now formed a circle. Lexi reached her hand up to rub her forehead trying to figure out how to deal with the current situation. 

She eventually just walked out of the circle, avoiding the contact of her mates. Curses of stupid overprotective mosquitoes leaving her lips as she walked into the kitchen to find her favourite thing, food.

Lexi's mates joined her in the kitchen after a few moments as they got over the initial shock of their mate walking away from them. Worried that they had upset her, they didn't say anything upon entering the kitchen. Instead, they watched her carefully trying to figure out if they had upset her. Elijah, who was trying to adapt to the new emotions and attachment the completed mate bond brought, was the first to walk up to Lexi. She was currently reaching into the pantry for a packet of chips.

A nutritious breakfast if you asked her.

"You guys done?" Lexi said re-emerging from the pantry with her chips. She then proceeded to open the packet and begin eating looking at each of her mates. Each of the Mikaelsons then looked to each other awkwardly knowing that they were far from done. Lexi, picking up on this, rolled her eyes before walking away. 

"Where are you going?" Kol called out after her.

"To my room whilst you guys sort this out" she said without turning around. Lexi then retrieved her phone from the library before going to her room. 


Lexi had been in her room for a few hours when she decided she was going to have a shower. Just as she was about to enter the shower she noticed something.

Auntie flow was visiting

Japan was invading

Code red

Her monthly friend

She wasn't pregnant

Shark week


Lexi then dismissed the observation and continued on with her afternoon. After another hour passed, a frantic knock was heard at her door. 

"OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW" Lexi heard Kol demand from the other side of the door. Noticing Kol's strange behaviour, Lexi did not follow his request. Kol, who noticed Lexi ignoring his request, slammed his fist against the door. The door would have broken under his force but remained intact due to one of Lexi's many spells. 

Kol's actions soon caused the other Mikaelson siblings, who were already waiting for their mate downstairs, to join Kol outside her room. 

"What are you doing?" Rebekah asked, confused by her brother's actions. 

"You are telling me you can't smell that." Kol snapped, the scent of his mates blood and not being able to hear her heart beat distressing him. Lexi, who was listening to their conversation from the opposite side of the door, pieced together what was happening. She mentally scolded herself for having not prepared for this situation better. 

"Lexi, Love; open the door." Klaus said, his concern clearly showing through in his tone. He then tried to turn the door handle before attempting to break it. Lexi, who had been weighing up the different outcomes of this situation, simply undid one the privacy spells, which meant her mates would be able to hear her. 

"I'm fine" Lexi said, not entirely sure what she was meant to do in this situation.

"You're not fine, your heart rate in uneven and you are bleeding." Elijah said, joining the conversation. After having just completed the bond, Elijah's inner animal was extremely troubled by his mate's behaviour. 

"Like I do every month." Lexi muttered before remembering her mates could most likely hear her. Her mates however, did not hear her and were only becoming more anxious as time passed.

"Please, Angel. Just let us in so we can make sure that you are okay." Finn said, trying to hide the agitation in tone. Lexi, after realising the chances of her simply disappearing off the face of the Earth at this very moment were slim, decided to open the door. 

"I'm alive." Lexi announced quietly as her mates filed into her room. All of her mates then began checking and inspecting her for any noticeable injuries. Just as Klaus was about to bite into his wrist and offer his blood to her, Lexi stopped him.

"But you're hurt." Klaus mumbled, confused. 

"No I'm not" Lexi said softly before lifting her arms and dropping them again, "See, I'm fine." She then walked out of her room and into one of the living rooms. Lexi then collapsed on the lounge before she turned on the TV and began switching through channels, wanting to avoid the inevitably very awkward conversation for as long as possible. 

"Love" Klaus reprimanded, his inner animal beginning to become irritated by mates' incompliance. Using Klaus as a distraction, Finn then sat down next to Lexi and began trying to locate the source of the blood. Lexi then sighed before stopping Finn's movements and cupping his face with her hands.

"Finn, I'm okay." Lexi reassured, making him look her in the eyes. Rebekah, using Finn's strategy, used him as a distraction and sat down on her other side. It didn't take Lexi long to notice the blonde's presence. When she did she said: "I'm not hurt, everything is fine."

"But you're bleeding. What could make you bleed but remain unharmed simultaneously?" Elijah asked.

"My period" Lexi deadpanned, staring at the wall in front of her to avoid the stare of her mates.

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