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[a/n: all of the prologue chapters are optional to read. if you don't want to read them, it's completely fine since all of the information will be summarized throughout the book.
the prologue chapters: gone, solutions, after, conscious, unhappy, loner, dark, friendship, enough of you, and memory

ALSO: if you don't feel like scrolling through all of those, the prologue chapters have titles and the normal story chapters are just numbered]

"Colby, what's going on?" I shouted, jogging across the parking lot to him once we spotted each other.

He was hyperventilating, clutching onto my arms once he was close enough to do so, "I hurt her, I hurt her, she's gone."

I knew something bad had happened, according to the frantic text messages he was sending me as he told me to meet me at the hospital, "What are you talking about? Calm down, talk to me,"

Colby took a deep breath, doing his best to steady himself before speaking, "W-we were fighting and she fell and she's hurt really bad. Oh Angelina I killed her! I killed her! I love her!"

Internally, I'm freaking out. This is my best friend and I was doing my best to fight the anger that was boiling in my chest. He wanted me to protect her and now she was in a hospital bed because of him, "Colby, breathe. This isn't your fault, just talk okay? I'm here for you,"

"Today is our anniversary," He stated the obvious, "And I thought she was out with you and I brought Alex to the traphouse, and oh my god I fucked up Angelina. She's never gonna forgive me!"

I pulled myself out of Colby's hands, "What do you mean, you brought her back to the house? I thought you said she was forcing you to do all this!"

"She was, but I-i have feelings for her and I didn't realize she'd be home! I swear I never would have done it if I knew she was home-"

He stopped speaking the second I backhanded him and began yelling at him in the parking lot, "What the hell is wrong with you? It's your anniversary for crying out loud! And you think it's a good time to cheat on her? Whatever happened to doing what Alex says or else Taylor dies, huh? Did that whole concept just go out the window?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean it-" He weakly tried to make excuses, but the both of us knew that wasn't going to work.

"Why are you apologizing to me for cheating on your girlfriend? All you did was lie to me, but you lied, used and cheated on someone you were supposed to love." I let my arms flop down at my side.

"I didn't mean it," Colby mumbled.

"Shut up with that. If you didn't mean it you wouldn't have done it. You knew what you were doing, you piece of shit. Just as I thought you were the good guy you go and do some shit like this. Who's going to put her back together, huh?" I stabbed my fingers into his chest.

"She's dying, Angelina!" A sudden burst of anger caused him to shout at me.

"So what are we doing in the parking lot of the hospital?" I threw my arms around, showing our surroundings. Colby's guilty expression gave away everything he didn't need to say, "Oh my god," I whispered, covering my mouth loosely with a hand, "Oh my fucking god. You were just going to leave her here? Do you realize how hard it is for me not to hit you again?"

"I hurt her, Angelina. There's nothing I can do to fix this," He mumbled, sniffling.

I ignored his pitiful tears and continued with what I had to say, "So you were just going to leave? Like you do every other time she needs you? Do you know how much I've had to step in to pick up the pieces of her and put them back together because you broke her? She doesn't realize how messed up she is because of her love for you! I have to be her damn therapist and treat her like a grieving girl who lost her love, because she did. And you want to know why that's unfair to me?"

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