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Taylor's pov

"Sam please explain what's going on," I felt myself losing everything mentally as I gripped onto his shoulders, "I can't fucking lose him, I can't-"

"He's going to be alright, Taylor.  Don't say that," Kat rested her hand on my back, motioning to where he laid in the hospital bed.

Right after I had come down the stairs with water for Colby and found him on the floor, Stas called Nine One One as Sam demanded.

I didn't remember much, everything was just a blur.

When the ambulance came, the sirens screaming and the workers coming in to load Colby onto the stretcher, I wouldn't stop crying.

I was gripping onto his hand with such a force it still ached at the thought.  

Only one person was allowed to go into the back of the ambulance with Colby, but before Sam could say anything, Amanda gently ushered me into the back of the ambulance.

I didn't want to look back to see Sam's reaction, so I didn't.  Instead, I watched as the two EMS workers put an oxygen mask on Colby, and the other took his pulse and watched it on a mini monitor that was set up on the front wall.

I didn't want to touch him with them around, simply because I didn't know how well I'd be able to handle it if they told me I wasn't allowed to do that.

So now here we were, all five of us watching through a window as the doctors and staff did tests on him to figure out exactly what went wrong.

"Tell me what happened.  Why was Colby on the floor?"  I looked back and forth between Stas and Kat.  I knew Sam was fighting a battle of his own, watching Colby a lot closer than I was.

It was completely understandable.  They have been friends since they were teenagers and now Colby might cut that short.

I was just thinking negatively.  I was being crazy, of course Colby would be fine.

He was too strong, too stubborn, to be anything else but fine.

"Well," Stas began, crossing her arms over in front of her body, "You left to get him water, and his coughing became worse.  He began to cough up blood, just a little," She reassured when my eyes went wide.

"And the second that Amanda reached over to touch him, he went flying back into the wall,"

It reminded me briefly on what Corey had told us about the exorcism where one of the Perrons got flown across the room into a wall.

I wonder if it was the same entity, same energy, that did that to Colby.

"Oh my god," Was all I could say. It was the only thing I said just so I didn't seem rude for not responding.

I turned around, making the couple of steps to be beside Sam, who was watching Colby.

This was the first time I got a good look at him since the ambulance.

His nose had apparently stopped bleeding and there was no blood in site on his face.

Colby still had the oxygen mask on, but a smaller mask to cover his face.

The doctors were drawing blood and making sure his body was flat against the bed.

"Do you think they're going to have to scan him?" I tilted my head in Sam's direction and not letting my eyes stray from Colby.

"What do you mean, like a CAT scan?" He clarified as I nodded, "I would think so.  He hit that wall pretty damn hard,"

I didn't want to picture it, picture the scene that was forcing itself to replay in my head.

Coming down the stairs, seeing everyone's worried expression as they focused on Colby as he laid there.

It made me wonder what he was thinking, what might have been going through his mind as his body was wracked in coughs, moving out of his control.

My heart fluttered when I saw one of the doctors reach for the door leading into the hallway.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Stewart," He reached for Sam's hand as he also introduced himself.

"Can you please tell us what's going on with Colby?" Stas asked, her fingers running through her hair that had once been in a clip.

"Well, we immediately hooked him up to oxygen as he is still not breathing on his own," The doctor began, "We are actually preparing him for a CT scan and then he will be moved into a different room.  Which is part of the reason why I'm out here, actually," 

To my disappointment, the doctor instructed us to wait in the lobby like everyone else.  When Colby was done with the CT scan, it would be at least a two hour wait before we could see him.

That's only if the CT scan showed he was well.

Amanda, to my surprise, took my hand into hers as we walked down the hallway to the lobby.

All I wanted to do was cry, but I felt as if I did not have the energy to do so.  I wish we had listened to the signs the spirits were giving us during the Estes Method and stayed out of the basement.

"How are you?" Amanda asked gently after we had been sitting in the waiting room for about five minutes.

"I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart with thirty knives and now a hammer is beating what's left," I sighed as I leaned back against the wall, letting my eyes shut.

"I'd feel that way too if my boyfriend went through all of that," She said as I peeked open my eyes to object, to claim that we were not dating.

"I don't know what else to call you," She admitted, "It's weird to see people in love but not have a label to it,"

"Hell, I don't even know what we are," I sat forward again, unable to keep still.

"I don't know a lot of things," I continued, "One of them being whether or not he's going to survive this.

[a/n: Hey guys! hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and I'm sorry for not updating as often as before]

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