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Taylor's pov

"I just saw her," Amanda said with a peaceful smile, as if she knew she was worrying us for nothing.

"Oh my god!" Colby chuckled in disbelief, bending over as if he was steadying himself.

Kat didn't have the same amused reaction as the two of them, however.  I felt her hand tighten around mine, and when I turned to look at her she whispered, "I don't like this.  I have a really, really bad feeling,"

I didn't know what exactly I should respond to: her face as pale as if she was about to puke or the words coming out of her mouth.  I chose the latter.

"I don't either.  I have this odd feeling, like-"

"Something's going to go wrong," She completed my sentence, "I know.  It's scary,"

"Yeah," I shuddered, looking around at all the people with us who could possibly be affected, "It's scary, almost.  I don't know if it's all in our heads or not,"

"You said a nightgown?" Cory clarified, stroking his beard with a thoughtful hand.

"Not a nightgown," She corrected, her voice loud with excitement, "It was a dress, a white dress,"


"Mhm! A little flowy at the end, it had nice little lace and it was a nice dress. It had a collar that came up pretty far, and she had darker hair," Amanda elaborated, holding her own personal camera towards her face as she spoke.

"Well, we couldn't make all that out but what I know is it was white.  And it moved so fast.  It was outside, and this thing went across the porch and just stayed at the same height," Cory moved his arm out in front of his body, as if his fingertips were following the direction of a ghost.

"She was tall, too," Amanda walked into the room that led into the living room, standing awfully close to the basement door, "She was right here watching and when I looked up we kinda just stared at each other for a second before she just walked across the room and left,"

"She," Cory paused for a moment, almost in disbelief, "saw you?"

"Yeah, just like you and I are looking at each other right now.  We were looking at each other and then she just stopped, looked the other way and left.  But she knows I can see her,"

"Interesting," Cory gave her a hint of a smile before looking at the rest of us.

I don't think anyone here truly prepared themselves for what we were experiencing tonight.

"Alright, come this way," Cory guided us into a room with two entrances, parallel to each other.  I recognized this as the library room from earlier.

"It's right underneath the middle bedroom, so we get a lot of activity in both rooms," Cory explained.

"You get a lot of activity in here?" Sam assumed, poking at one of the many books on the shelf, "Like, books flying across the room?"

"Yep," Cory confirmed, "We've had the same book fall off the shelves.  We've caught it on camera twice,"

"Moral of Relativity," I went to go reach my hand out to touch it, simply graze my fingers along its spine, but I felt a presence pulling my hand away.

It was only Colby.  I offered him an innocent smile, showing him I meant no harm but he only shook his head before letting it go.

I hated being treated like a child and there he was.  I couldn't get too annoyed though, because he probably was just watching out for me.

"What's weird is, if you look, most of these books have pieces of paper in them.  Inside, they are highlighted and have notes in them. This book hasn't been touched.  It was only as if something was telling us to read it,"

"Did you?" Amanda asked, and I nodded, encouraging the question simply because I wanted the answer.

"No," He said in a deadpan tone, adjusting his shirt as we all chuckled at his response.

"Are we done in here, then?" Colby asked, and one glance in his eyes told me he was awfully uncomfortable being in here.

"Yeah.  Let's go to the seance room," Cory glanced around, searching for any sign of objection before leading the way off the room.

I waited, finding it weird how I wanted to be last.  I wanted to stay in this room, pick up that book and read every page of it front to back.  I wanted to know why it was so interesting.

"You coming?" Colby asked gently, rubbing my back to get my attention.

I hummed, noticing how his hand brushed against mine when it dropped from making contact with me.

I decided to take in a deep breath and grab onto his hand.  I was surprised how tight his grip was once my fingers were laced through his.  I only recognized that as one thing: fear.

He didn't let go until we were in the seance room, Colby holding the camera beside Kat.  I took the only free seat, the head of the table by Stas who was giving me an unreadable look if she wasn't paying attention to what someone was saying.

It wasn't a mean look but I didn't like it all the same.

"What's your guys's opinion about the Conjuring movies compared to what actually happened?" Sam asked, as if he was interviewing Cory, "Do you think it's a bad thing that they made all of those movies and all that stuff or is it good overall or-"

Sam was interrupted as Kat began waving her head back and forth, her hands swatting nonstop around her face.

"Kat?" I leaned forward, reaching out for her as she stood up, bumping into Colby.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Colby grabbed onto his friend's arm, trying to help steady her, "Are you all good?"

"What?" Stas asked, folding her hands in front of her to study Kat's movements.

"A bug just flew into my face," She explained, her shaking coming to a halt as the problem stopped.

"There's a bug right there," Stas pointed at the table as Colby let out a sigh, "Oh my fucking god," He ran his free hand through his hair, watching Kat and the bug.

"Why did it do that?" She looked at Cory, seeming to search his eyes for answers he couldn't give her.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked and Kat waved her arms around shouting wordlessly.

If I wouldn't have known any better I would've have said she was perfectly fine.

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