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"How does it feel to finally be home?" Angelina asked me as we walked through the entryway into her house.

She explained how Corey helped her move all my things from my old apartment to her house.

According to the both of them, there has been no sign of Alex since I.... got into my situation.

"Thank you," I blinked gratefully at the both of them, "This means so much to me, guys,"

"Of course, Taylor. You deserve to be happy," Corey smiled at me, causing my heart to flutter.

Something about the way he looked at me was incredibly mindfucking. I can't think straight with him around.

"Okay," I looked around, "I can get used to being here,"

"It's a miracle that you are able to smile like that," Angelina noticed quietly.

"Huh?" I glanced at her as I fell down onto the couch, folding my arms behind my head.

"After everything that's happened you can sit here and be so happy. I would be so far gone there would be no getting me back," Ang said with a laugh, a gracious giggle that she covered politely with her hand.

"I guess it's cause I'm free now," I let out a breathe as I looked at them, "I don't have to be trapped by the idea of being in love with a man who really didn't want me as much as he claimed to,"

I noticed Angelina's face went pale as I spoke, and it looked like she was going to correct me.

"Taylor," She began, folding her arms in front of her. I glanced at Corey, who seemed to be just as confused as I was.

"There's something you need to know about Colby and Alex. I do not want to anger you in any way possible, just hear me out before you start screaming, okay?" She looked desperate for me to stay calm, though I was wary of what she had to say.

"I might get angry, I don't know what you have to tell me," I confessed, but nodded all the same, "But I'll do my best to listen,"

"Okay," She started, chewing her lip for a couple of seconds before speaking, "Colby came to me about a week before the incident happened, and explained the entire situation between him and Alex,"

"Oh?" I raised my eyebrows, "How come I didn't know about this?"

"It wasn't my place to tell you," She sighed, twisting one of the rings on her finger, "He told me that Alex was forcing him to do things with her or else she'd hurt you. Like, really badly,"

I instantly felt guilty for being rude to him and everything that happened between us. All he was doing was trying to keep me safe, and I just was a dick to him.

"Since you were pregnant and still are, I agreed to help protect you no matter what happened," She motioned down to my stomach, which I let my thumb graze against before nodding to her.

"Colby and I know how you get when you're angry, how you say things you probably shouldn't. So if we gave you any clue as to what Alex was doing to him, and to you, it would get out eventually," Ang explained.

I looked over at Corey, who seemed to be taking in the information for the first time with me. Even though he lived with Colby it amazed me how little he knows, how little I knew.

"But when everything went down on your anniversary, I was the first person Colby contacted besides EMS. I got to the hospital as quickly as possible to see him running up to me in the parking lot. He was leaving, Taylor. He was going to leave you here because he didn't want to hurt you anymore,"

I felt myself gasp as she held up a hand to keep me from interrupting her, "At first I was angry. I was hurt, upset, and I wanted so hard to cry like a baby in the middle of the parking lot. But I hit him instead and sent him away. I had to, Sam told me to,"

"I'm confused," I felt my eyebrows lower as I spoke, "He left me? Without even knowing if I was alright, he just left?"

"No, Taylor. That's not it at all," Corey stepped in, "Sam was in my room when Angelina called him. She told him that Colby wanted her at the hospital and that Taylor was hurt really bad and he knew. He knew and he told Angelina that she had to do what she could to keep you safe, which meant getting Alex and Colby out of your life," He spoke in the gentlest tone possible.

"I don't understand, guys," I felt my face and eyes begin to burn. I felt like crying, but I couldn't because I've done enough of that since I woke up in the hospital, "What are you trying to tell me,"

This is all too complicated. I didn't understand why I couldn't live a normal life and have a normal relationship with a normal breakup. And on top of that I wish I had a normal explanation for it.

Angelina and Corey stayed quiet, silently letting me figure out all the details on my own. "So, after everything happened, you said I got life-flighted to the hospital while Colby drove. Angelina shows up and he's trying to leave, and you encourage him to do it because Sam told you to. So this is Sam's fault?"

"He was trying to do what was best for everyone, like I just said," Corey explained, "He wanted to protect you and let us help you get better. I personally believe that Sam is more worried about you than Colby,"

"Why is all of this happening if it was just to keep me safe? Sam has to know that, surely," I looked at Angelina, expecting an answer.

"Um, well," She swallowed, shuffling awkwardly in her seat, "While we were at the parking lot, he told me that he invited Alex over to the traphouse because he had caught feelings for her,"

"What?" I asked quietly.

I couldn't even be mad anymore, all of this happened around two months ago. But it hurt, and would hurt for a long time.

The two people I put first were the ones that turned around and stabbed me in the back and I hated it. I hated everything about it.

I fought the urge to hate myself and to push everyone away. No matter what, I knew that I needed people to hold me down.

I couldn't raise this baby alone, and Angelina has been saying that she would help and be the best aunt ever.

But could I trust her with my baby? Could I trust anyone?

Not really, to be honest.

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