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Sam's pov

"Is Taylor in her room?" I held up the bag of medicine and wraps along with some Doritos cause I knew she liked those.

I walked into the living room, where Kat was sitting on her phone, "I went to go check on her earlier. You would not believe what's going on in there,"

"Uh, can I guess?" I asked, setting the bag down on the coffee table.

"Sure, babe," She said with a smile, as if I wasn't going to be able to guess what Taylor was up to.

"Hmm," I thought for a moment as I plugged my phone into the wall, "She found Kevin Jonas on the stairs and is playing target practice with him in her room?"

"Why so specific?" She giggled, looking up at me and tossing her phone to the side.

"Am I wrong?" I asked, and her silence answered my question.

Her smile shrunk, and she blinked before responding to me, "She's with Colby,"

"Oh," I took it in for a second, "Are they banging?"

I found the thought unlikely, seeing as how reserved Taylor tended to be and how open she was about her discomfort with him. But maybe she got over it, I wouldn't know.

"No," Katrina got herself off the couch, making her way down the hallway with me following her, "It's actually kind of sweet. At least I think so,"

"Why were you going in her room?" Usually, Kat tended to only hang out with her when Taylor wasn't in her room, letting her friend have her privacy when she was in her room.

"Well, according to Kevin we left the back door unlocked and he got in. He heard Colby and went to find where he was, but ended up falling into the table," She pointed to the circular wooden table which was most likely the one Kat was referring to, "Taylor came out to say hello but went back into her room out of nowhere. I just wanted to make sure she's okay,"

"Is she?" I would have thought Colby would have checked on her if she wasn't acting normal. Officer Caddel explained that she might not be in her right state of mind right now and things will be very confusing to her, and that we were to keep a close eye on Taylor as much as possible.

"See for yourself," Her voice lowered as she grabbed Taylor's bedroom doorknob, twisting it open just enough to poke our heads into.

I was expecting to see Taylor maybe making a bracelet or doing something weird like summoning a demon or something. It kind of reminded me of when Corey, Jake and I walked in to wake Colby up to film a Youtube video.

Colby and Taylor were laying on top of her blankets, holding her how he used to whenever I'd accidentally stumble across one of them sleeping somewhere. It was an odd sight to see them display such affection to each other after everything.

"How did that happen?" I whispered, unsure if they were both sleeping or not.

"I don't know. But I'm happy for her, you know?" Katrina peeked over at me, her voice quieter than mine seeing as I am not the quietest of whisperers.

"Yeah," I agreed. It was a big improvement from her being afraid of him constantly, screaming from night terrors and then waking up in the morning with no knowledge of them happening.

It was weird, watching my best friend sleep. It wasn't like I haven't done it before, but it was as if I was intruding on something personal of his.

After the whole Taylor incident, which the effects were oddly similar to Meghan's death, he closed off. I didn't see him for two weeks though I was well aware that he was home. His sobs gave it away.

He did nothing but listen to a Nelly song on repeat, and Kat clued me in that Taylor told her that it was their song. That "song" was also Meghan and Colby's song, and Taylor chose it without knowing.

But Colby didn't bring home girls, he didn't party, and he didn't join us when we were hanging out unless we needed something. I knew something changed the day he willingly sat on the couch next to me.

I've learned over time that Taylor and Colby are a good kind of bad when they're together. They refuse to let anyone separate them but at the same time it was that refusal that tore them apart.

Hopefully things will be different this time.

I backed away from the doorframe, grabbing Kat's hand to silently indicate that she did the same. She did her best to close the door quietly, but her fingers slipped and the gentle click she wanted was actually the snap of the door hitting the frame.

We listened for a couple of seconds, staring at each other with wide eyes when Taylor's voice could quietly be heard through the walls.

Knowing Colby, he would put two and two together and be at the door in an instant, so as quickly as I could I went down the hallway and up the stairs to my room that I shared with Kat when she would stay with me.

I knew she followed me because she giggled when we got up the stairs and past Colby's room.

"He's going to kill us," She smiled at me, and I felt my own grin growing when I looked over at her.

"I know. It's all in good fun," I brushed it off, throwing myself on my bed and sliding my laptop into my lap, "Want to help me research?"

"Ooo, yes," She clapped and sat next to me on the bed, "What are we researching?"

"The conjuring house," I said nonchalantly, looking up articles that might have helpful information that we could use.

"You know what? Nevermind," She joked, pretending to leave but didn't move.

"Oh god," I whispered when the both of us heard pounding footsteps, indicating someone was coming up the stairs, "Act natural,"

Kat leaned in closer, pointing at random things on the screen like she knew what she was talking about.

There were two light, unnecessary knocks on the door before Colby barged in, "Were you two downstairs?" He had an eyebrow raised as he looked us back and forth.

"No, why?" Kat pointed to the computer to show we were researching.

"Because I heard another slam, and it sounded like Jake, I mean Taylor's door," He clearly wasn't buying our stupid excuses.

"We were jumping on the bed?" Kat's voice raised in pitch as she tried defending herself, but it was obvious she was lying.

"I know you two saw us," Colby assumed, his expression unreadable.

"Naked?" I gasped simply for my entertainment.

"No, you piece of garbage," Colby snapped.

"We knew it was going to happen," Kat sang as he shut the door again.

"You owe me twenty bucks!" I shouted at Kat loud enough to be heard through the door.

"Shut UP!" Colby yelled back, but neither of us could take him seriously.

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