enough of you

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"So what are you doing today?" Corey asked, throwing me an apple across the island per my request.

"I gotta head over to Amber's," I said before taking a bite.

Amber was getting ready to move into a beautiful apartment, and I was helping her pack her things in boxes.

"Will you be back in time for your date tonight?" Corey smirked at me.

I didn't necessarily respond to him. A couple of days ago, Corey and I went out to a party as we do every Friday night.

There, I met a girl. Oddly enough, she looked like a mixture of Meghan and Taylor, yet wasn't quite as pretty nor had the best personality.

But I hung out with her all night anyways. I didn't dance with her or any other girl. Instead, we sat outside and talked.

She agreed to almost everything I said, from loving to explore to admitting she had also been arrested for trespassing, like Sam and I did early last year.

I didn't tell her anything about my past relationships, and she didn't tell me anything about hers.

"What's her name, again?" Corey looked at me, expecting an answer.

"Hannah," I answered as Jake walked in the kitchen, Tara following close behind.

"Good morning brothers. What are we doing today?" Jake greeted, a smile on his face before he opened the fridge and began digging through it.

"I gotta go film with Elton and Corbin, but I should be home by four," Corey explained.

Elton and Corbin were fantastic people. Sam and I have been asked not to be in videos for his channels, TFIL and OVERNIGHT, back last summer and it hasn't changed even after everything that's happened since.

I believe it had something to do with Elton wanting to be known as Elton Castee and not Sam and Colby's friend, according to what the fans believe.

But that's not the truth at all. I was the one Elton did not want to film with and Sam, being my best friend, did not want to make things unfair to me.

Elton and Meghan didn't really get along, and that was our old friend Aaron Doh's fault. Kind of.

All of us used to live in a house together: Elton, Corey, Aaron, Sam, and I, and when Elton moved out Jake moved in.

Aaron had multiple girlfriends over this two year period, one of them going by Tori. Tori first had interests in me, trying to flirt with me and hang out with me whenever she knew Meghan wasn't around. When I showed her I had no interest in her, she turned to Aaron, who fell for every trick I didn't put up with.

Meghan, being my wonderful girlfriend at the time, did not like Tori and knew what she was up to. As she explained to me later, she went to Elton first to talk to him about it since we were not available. I had no idea whether or not we were on a trip or just gone for a long time to where we had little time to talk. That happened sometimes with us, and now looking back I wish I could cancel every trip and every second of those two years I wish I had spent with her. That's what Meghan deserved.

But Elton was quick to defend Aaron and Tori's relationship, therefore, damaging the bond between him and Meghan. Permanently.

Elton went to insult Meghan when I wasn't around, and moved out when she threatened to tell anyone else what was going on, myself included.

So he did, but that wasn't until after Corey overheard one of their many arguments and jumped in and defended Meghan.

Elton was gone by the end of the week along with all of his things.

After Jake moved in, Elton, Corey and Meghan agreed to be on good terms for the sake of our friend group. That only lasted so long.

Only about a year later, when our time living in the Traphosue was long gone and right before Meghan.... passed, Elton made a joke about how she used to pick on him in the Traphouse knowing that's not how the story went.

Meghan punched him. Hard. And Meghan wasn't the type to hurt a fly, and I've never heard her raise her voice unless I had started something.

The same could not be said about Elton, who had gotten into plenty of fights and arguments in his time, some with myself though they weren't major. He went after her, throwing things at her and beating her. In all of our drunken states, it took a while to finally get the two of them to separate, where I screamed, harder than ever before, at him and told him to get out.

The only thing near humoress that I got out of it was my first ever noise complaint, which was the only reason he left.

"Brother?" Jake repeated, causing me to look at him.

"Yeah? Sorry, I was just thinking," I pointed a finger to my head, indicating that I wasn't paying attention.

"I know," He gave me a sympathetic half smile. I felt like that was the only look I got since everything happened with Taylor. That's exactly how it was when Meghan died, too.

Except it's much worse now. There is no meaning in my life anymore and I'm certain of that. Nothing will ever be the same and that's my fault.

"Anyways," Jake hummed, "Tell me about Hannah,"

"Well," I clapped once, eager to change the subject, "She's twenty two, she's in medical school. Hannah actually knew who the four of us are before walking up to me,"

"Do you know her friends?" Tara asked, crossing her arms with a mischievous smile on her face.


"Good. Keep it that way. We don't need another Taylor," She added, half to herself.

"Hey," I snapped, throwing my fists down on the table. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Corey jump at my sudden movements, causing his orange juice to rock out of his cup and onto his hoodie.

"Talk about Taylor like that again and you're gonna wake up looking a little similar to her right now, okay?" I felt my voice raising as I continued to speak.

"It's not my fault she ended up like that, now is it?" Tara asked, and I was about ready to slap her across the face.

"Keep her name and our relationship out of your mouth you piece of shit!" I screamed at her.

"Don't talk to her like that," Jake came to Tara's defense, "I've heard the way you've been talking to her recently and I don't appreciate it. Please stop," Jake managed to stay calm as he spoke.

"Do you not hear the way she talks to me?! Rubs my mistakes and problems in my face and then acts like she's miss perfect!" I shot my eyes down to meet the short girl frozen in the kitchen, "Tell me I'm wrong,"

"You're acting a little crazy, bruva," Corey said, trying to add humor into his words to diffuse the situation.

"Oh, so now I'm in the wrong?" I threw my arms up in the air, "This is bullshit! You know what? Fuck you." I pointed to Jake, "Fuck you," I turned my hand to Corey, "And most of all, FUCK YOU," I ended with Tara, "I swear to god if I hear you start to boohoo ball the second I leave this room I'm-"

"Get the fuck out of the kitchen, Cole," Jake snapped, pointing to the exit.

"Gladly," I growled at him, before exiting the room.

Jake was moved out a week later.

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