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Taylor's pov

"One day," Colby began singing, "One day,"

He looked over his shoulder at us, who were all sitting in the backseat with the camera pointed at us.

"I was really really really sad," Amanda, Stas, Kat and I joined in.

I think deep down we actually were super sad. Or scared, at least.

"I don't really get scared for haunted places, usually," Sam sighed, "I was very very scared to come here,"

I knew the camera was rolling, but being that we were in Rhode Island, standing outside of the Conjuring House, and I was with Stas and Amanda who I hardly knew, I just couldn't seem to focus.

I looked at Colby, the side of his face being the only thing I could see as he talked to the camera they had propped up, "Yeah, like not kidding I had nerves coming here for sure,"

That, I knew. I was able to clearly see him in the rearview mirror as Sam drove from the airport, and the way his eyes seemed sunken into his head and the paleness of his skin indicated he wasn't feeling his best.

I didn't say anything, though. Stas pointed it out to him, teasing him when we got out.  I didn't find it funny.

"I could definitely throw up right now," Kat nodded along with Colby, crossing her arms over her body.

Sam looked back and forth between his girlfriend and bestfriend before talking once again, "Well guys, we made it. The real, actual Conjuring House. If you've seen those movies obviously they're not real but they're based on an actual thing that happened here at this house," Sam pointed in between Stas and I to the Conjuring House that was looming over us, watching us.

"By the way guys," Colby took over, as if they were doing a back-and-forth talk with their future audience, "We are here with the three lovely ladies: Kat," She made the fboy face at the camera, which was something she did that I found very entertaining.

"Stas," She smirked at the camera, waving in a polite manner.

"Taylor," He smiled over at me, reassuring me silently as I smiled at the camera, waving with both of my hands.  

"and Amanda," Amanda gave more of an excited smile and wave than Stas and myself combined, but it matched her energy.

"Amanda can actually speak to the dead," Colby added, looking at Sam.

"So they bring me here?" Amanda asked with disbelief, and I covered my mouth as I giggled at her sarcastic comment.

I didn't need to, because everyone else began to laugh too.  It seemed like an icebreaker move, because Colby mentioned something to me about not knowing Amanda very well.

"So we're going to see if we can contact anything?" Colby clarified, and Sam nodded to confirm the statement, "And see if Amanda can pick up on any spirit, demon or whatever could be here,"

"Learn the history of this horrifying place," Sam folded his hands in front of his mouth, and even though he was smiling I could tell he was incredibly nervous.

I was too. We all were.

"Let's go take that tour and get first impressions and everything," Sam glanced back at the four of us, then over us once more to look at the house.

"Let's do it," He said before letting out a wordless, not very loud shout.

Sam grabbed the camera, and the four of us turned around to face the house as the boys began walking.

"Yeah, I'm not going in first," Stas said with a shake of her head, "Sam can get possessed, but not me. No thank you,"

"Okay babe," Kat smiled while patting his shoulder.

"What? No. Colby you go first," Sam glanced over at Colby, who was walking just in front of Amanda.

"I heard dogs," Colby changed the subject, "I'm gonna find them," He leaned forward and opened the door, and just as he wanted two dogs, what looked like German Shepherds, came running out of the house.

"Hey!" He smiled as he walked past them, bending down slightly to run his fingers down their fur.

"So is this all the people that have come here before?" Colby asked Cory, who informed us that he was the owner of the Conjuring House, "Oh there's Exploring with Josh,"

I didn't know who that was, simply because I never met him. But Sam and Colby mentioned him a few times in the past couple days because they knew he came here.

"Ah, he's a fucking douche," Cory shook his head and crossed his arms.  Cory was a bigger man, not so much from fat but more from muscle. He was covered in tattoos and had long facial hair which gave him a scary appearance but he wasn't really once you started talking to him.

"He's such a liar," Jennifer, Cory's wife, shook her head at us though the smile on her face when she looked at her husband showed that she secretly enjoyed his nonsense.

"But you guys can sign waivers and then you can sign the wall," Jennifer nodded at us, grabbing a stack of clipboards with pens and papers and giving one of each to all six of us.

"Just in case you, like, get possessed," Cory said, and I'm sure even though he was joking, there was a possibility that could actually happen.

"Is there a priest around here just in case?" Stas asked, fiddiling with her cross necklace.

"I wouldn't worry about it," Cory reassured her, "The waiver basically says that if you get scared and jump out the window, you pay for your own medical bills and replace the window,"

"Violent spiritual attacks is number twelve on here," Colby pointed as he passed me my clipboard with the waiver.

"Is it really?" I asked, glancing over all the warnings on the paper, "This is gonna be fun,"

"Demonic possession, violent spiritual attacks, electrical shock," Sam read through the major ones, not bothering to point out the simple ones like "steep stairs" or "creaky floorboards"

"I don't think I've ever been more scared to sign something," Stas admitted as I handed Cory my completed waiver, who nodded politely to me and handed Colby a marker next to me, pointing to the empty spot on the wall.

"Jesus Colby, take up enough room why don't you," Sam asked him sarcastically as Colby filled up the entire space with their names, along with drawing their xplr logo awfully and then putting the real sticker beside it.

He noticed it's poor looks too, looking at Sam and I and laughing at his fuck up.

"It's tour time, baby," Colby made his way back over to everyone else, tossing his arms over Sam and I's shoulder on the way.

"Um, before we do that," Stas came up to Colby, keeping her voice low enough for just the four of us to hear, "Colby, can I talk to you for a sec, like, in private?"

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