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Colby’s pov.   

“Well that’s a bummer,” I sighed as we walked out of the haunted tavern.

We were in the middle of filming and the manager asked us to leave because fans showed up and wanted in the building though we rented it out for the night.

Though all three of us loved our supporters and I’m sure they felt similarly with us, it was hard not to get annoyed with them from time to time.  Most of them didn’t see the harm in what they were doing, but a good majority of them were just kids with very little parent monitoring.

“Time to go back to the hotel,” Brian shrugged.  He didn’t seem too bummed to be going back so early, and neither did I.

It would only take about ten minutes to get back to the hotel where Taylor was right now.

The kiss she gave me stuck with me more than I would like to admit, distracting me from the investigation earlier.  She shouldn’t have that kind of effect on me.

She’s changed a lot since I saw her last, a little under a year ago.  She seems so much more reserved, and calm.

Taylor is beautiful, she has been and always will be.  But that beauty is different from how she was when we met.

We’ve changed so much, we’re two different people now.  I’m hoping that we can relearn how to be together someday, without any issues.  I’m trying my best to listen to Sam’s advice and keep my distance and take things slow, but I feel like I’m falling for her again.

I never stopped loving her, I never could. But the feeling has lessened over the months, and now it’s back and more prominent than ever.

I couldn’t admit that to her, and I do want to try to take things slow, but what if “slow” is different than what I’m thinking and we’re really going too fast?

“Colby?” Brian nudged me, causing me to turn my head to look at him as he spoke like he had to repeat himself, “I asked about Taylor,”

“Oh,” I stuffed my hands in my front jean pockets uncomfortably, unsure of what he’d ask and what I’d have to answer, “What’s up?”

“So I don’t mean to sound overbearing or anything, but is her boyfriend okay with her being in that hotel by herself?” He seemed to actually be concerned for her wellbeing, which I thought was interesting behavior since he just met her today.

“She has a boyfriend?” I asked the first thing that popped into my head.  

“I just figured you’d know.  You two seem to be close, but it looks complicated,” Brian seemed to speak awkwardly, as if he didn’t think he’d have to point out all this information to me.

Of course, I knew that things were difficult, to explain the situation would be like trying to get a dead horse to run.  But I didn’t realize things were that noticible.

I was also partially scared she had a boyfriend.  But she kissed me, not the other way around.  Though I would have.

“She doesn’t have a boyfriend,” I started, “I think she’s taking a break from her ex, I don’t really know,”

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