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"Alright," Sam said to break the silence as we walked into the hotel lobby.

All four of us were exhausted after the four hour drive to the hotel. I wouldn't be exploring with Sam, Colby and Brian, but I'd wait until they were done and just hang out.

I didn't feel up to being in front of the camera after so long.

"So, we got three rooms," Colby explained to Brian, but since all of us were here it was hard not to tune in, "One for you, one for Sam and I and then another one for Taylor,"

"You two wonder why Solby is a thing," I nudged Colby, and he shot Sam a look that was expressionless yet priceless at the same time.

Instead of Sam helping Colby like he obviously wanted, he instead groaned and crossed his arms, "Yeah, that sounded really bad,"

"Whatever," Brian smiled at them, "If I get lonely I'll just go into your guys' room,"

"I can picture you cuddling now," I glanced over at Brian, "Maybe we shouldn't interrupt them,"

"That's a good idea,'' he winked over at Colby.

"The room has two beds, shut up you losers," Colby huffed, crossing his arms. I could tell he really wasn't annoyed, but was playing it off really well.

The four of us fell into silence as we realized the poor hotel worker was standing behind the reception desk, staring at us with a blank expression.

I couldn't help but giggle as Sam tried his best to smooth over the situation, grabbing the three hotel cards and walking off without the rest of us saying a word.

Once we were out of the lobby and in the hallway that led to the staircase, I slowed down to walk beside Brian, leaning over to talk close to his ear, "That doesn't mean they need to use them both,"

It took him a moment to realize what I was referring to, but once he did he pushed me away jokingly, laughing as he aswell tripped to the side.

Once the laughter subsided between the two of us, I looked forward to see Colby peeking over his shoulder at me. The curiosity in his eyes was something he couldn't hide, and I remembered the big portion of our relationship had revolved around jealousy.

He was always jealous, and that fed into my thoughts and emotions too, which is part of why I believe I let him and Alex go on for so long. It was the burning feeling I got when I could smell her perfume on him, and I knew how easily I could have the same effect on him.

But I didn't care anymore, not about that at least. This night was about having fun.

"We made it!" Sam exclaimed, and I looked to see us now in front of an elevator. It didn't really match the hotel, the light walls making the silver doors stand out.

"What floor are we on?" I asked when I was the first one in the cube, hovering my hands over the buttons. According to the buttons, there were eight floors.

"Five," He said, and I pushed the buttons to close the elevator door and take us to where we needed to be.

"What are you going to do while we're filming?" Brian asked, seeming interested in how I'd be occupying my time.

Though I love my friends Sam and Colby, they took no time to consider that I had, in fact, no actual plans during my stay.

I couldn't leave, just in case they came back early and thought I abandoned them. Per usual, I left my phone on the counter back at home and I refused to take any of the boys' just in case they needed them for something.

"You know, I'm hoping I can catch up on The Vampire Diaries," I said the first show that popped up in my head, "A new season just came out and I haven't had time to watch it,"

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