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Colby made his way out of the bedroom before me, speeding towards the door and to the source of the noise.

I followed, curiosity overcoming my worry over Colby. Something deep down confused me about him, and it would take me time to figure out what was going on between the two of us.

It felt like love, but Alex was the one who showed me love. I didn't know how to approach the topic. Love is what I'm scared of. But love saves me. But it horrifies me. I don't know what love really is. Colby seems to know and so does Alex but that's two different things.

Colby doesn't want to hurt me though Alex said if he wanted it to stop he'd come find me. Alex confused me.

I don't exactly know why I'm so confused about all the things I should know, but it's slowly starting to come back to me as Colby or Sam would explain it.

Colby stopped abruptly in front of me, causing me to nearly run into him. I stopped myself by holding my hands out in front of my body, pressing them into Colby's back to steady myself.

We were hardly a couple of steps outside my bedroom, which was odd but made sense since the noise was awfully loud.

I stood up on my tiptoes, just enough to peek my eyes over Colby's shoulder.

Someone familiar but I couldn't name at first was on the floor laughing with the center table knocked over beside him.

His laugh was causing me to laugh. The man was rolling on the floor with a camera, sunglasses blocking his eyes.

"Kevin," Colby smiled, though his voice was laced with irritation, "What are you doing here?"

"I was just tryna-" Kevin pointed the camera at us as he tried to steady his voice, "I slipped and fell when I tried- I was just trying-" He tried his best to explain himself but went into yet another laughing fit.

I was covering my mouth, giggling hard enough to grab Colby's attention. "That's funny, huh?" Colby glanced over his shoulder at me, daring me to agree with him.

I nodded, walking around Colby and offering my hand to Kevin, who shuffled his camera around and took it.

It took him a second of looking back and forth between Colby and I before he said anything. But the surprise on his face was very clear as he shouted, "Oh my god, Taylor!" He pulled me into a tight hug, something I briefly remember he did all the time.

"What are you doing in this mess of a house?" He asked, letting me go and looking at Colby as if he couldn't believe I was standing right in front of his eyes.

It was weird to me because I don't remember the last time I saw Colby. It took me looking into Colby's blue eyes, filled with awkwardness, hesitation and guilt that reminded me of what happened and why I apparently haven't seen Kevin in so long.

I remember how Colby cheated on me with Alex. Word got around in our friend group of what happened, and Angelina told me before she left that Kevin, Kat and Sam were the people who were in the hospital more than she was.

I knew Kevin had a big heart and cared a lot. We didn't really know each other but we were a friend-family. I knew how his family lived in France and not America so he didn't have anyone besides his friends.

I didn't want to ruin the moment and mention how things were slowly coming back to me, "I could ask you the same thing," I put my hands on my hips, "And you broke my fine china," I pointed to the wooden table that was now turned on its side.

"I'm just so confused," Kevin's eyes were hidden by his sunglasses, but the camera was faced downwards as his hand dropped to his side, the other on his forehead. He looked surprised, and baffled at the same time.

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