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Sam's pov

I looked up as Colby walked into the room, his face looking down at his phone.

"Morning brother," I said, pulling my feet off the coffee table so he could get through to sit on the couch.

"Morning," He mumbled, and I could tell he was trying to hide his smile but I knew better.

After being friends with him for over five years I've learned his mannerisms very well.

"Whatcha' lookin at?" I leaned forward, trying to see if there was some sort of joke I was missing out on in the group chat. Being that my phone was in the other room, I hadn't been able to check our friends' group chat in about an hour, simply because I wasn't motivated enough to go get it.

"Nothing," He cleared his throat, glancing up at me, "So, have you talked to Taylor in a while?"

"Uh," I was completely taken by surprise because of his question, "Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering," He shook his head, leaning forward and staring into my eyes.

Colby had this piercing stare and it would be intimidating if you didn't know him. But he just has a really bad resting bitch face.

"I haven't talked to her since Corey moved out, honestly," I admitted. Corey was the reason that I still talked to Taylor, just because I felt that I had to.

Don't get me wrong, Taylor is great. She has a great sense of humor, is able to roughhouse with us, and we built our friendship because on nights when I couldn't sleep, she'd stay up with me and talk.

She listened to my mysterious thoughts when Kat wasn't around or didn't want to hear it. She helped me with my pain, kind of like Kat did.

They were so similar, except one was my soulmate and the other wasn't. I was okay with that.

"Oh," He glanced around the room, focusing on a point on the wall, "Don't get mad,"

"Oh god," I braced myself mentally for whatever he was going to say. Obviously, based on his approach to the conversation it was about Taylor, but I would hear him out all the same.

"So, about a week ago I reconnected with Taylor," He explained slowly, and I nodded my head along with his words.

I figured he met a girl, based on his happier mood and how he was always laughing at his phone. I just didn't realize it was his ex.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the baby," I apologized, leaning over to pat his leg sympathetically, "It just wasn't my place to,"

"Yeah, well someone should have," Colby snapped, and when I widened my eyes he softened his tone, "Taylor told me that. She wanted to tell me, but Angelina didn't think it was right. She hasn't seen her since she got back from Texas,"

"She went to Texas?" I asked when I realized I had no idea she went.

"Yeah, around November I think," He furrowed his eyebrows as he concentrated, his tone becoming darker, "Her dad passed away,"

"Oh. Oh," I added once it sunk it, "That's so sad,"

"Yeah. They were so close," Colby's face showed the smallest of smiles, "I met her dad. He was the nicest guy. You know, I don't think I ever told you this but I went to Texas with her,"

"You did tell me that, actually," I briefly remember them saying the two of them went exploring in Texas, and I knew that's where Taylor was from.

"While we were there I kicked her out of her car," Colby said, his voice deadpan.

I couldn't tell whether or not he was joking, "For real?" I asked, nervously chuckling.

"Yeah. I can't remember what it was about. Oh- I think I told her she was a cheater. Kind of ironic, huh?" He added a humorless chuckle, and I threw one in too so it wouldn't be awkward.

"Interesting," I clicked my tongue on the roof of my mouth.

"I drove off, and I didn't know where to go so I went back to her house," He squinted his eyes as he tried to put the pieces of the story together.


"Alone," Colby confirmed, "I met her dad at the door. He didn't scold me for leaving his daughter on the side of the road. But instead, he told me this word for word: "If she loves you, she'll run into your arms crying when she sees you". And she did. Not for what I thought she would, but she did anyways,"

"Why was she crying if it wasn't because you left her?" I ran my fingers through my hair, finding myself intrigued with the story I never heard before.

"She didn't know I was there, so she started crying cause she thought she was going to get killed or something. When she gets nervous, her mind thinks of the worst possibilities, and that's why I love her," Colby sighed, looking down at the floor.

I didn't bother to mention how he said "love" in present tense and not in the past. Now that I know they've been reconnected, he might try to push things because of how he feels.

And that might not be the safest thing for Taylor.

"So, are you two friends, or are you talking? Like what's going on?" I wanted to make sure Colby had no poor intention when dealing with his ex. I knew how big of a heart he had deep down, and I've seen the toll he has on women, which explains a good portion of our fanbase.

"Definitely just friends," He nodded instantly, "All we do is talk about our lives and stuff,"

"Alright," I didn't really know what else to say, being that he was the one who brought up and was leading the conversation.

I think Colby noticed this, because he ruffled his own hair before asking his next question.

"So you know that investigation we're going on in two days with Brian?" He asked, even though that was a ridiculous question because I was the one who linked up with Fazerug, or Brian as we call him off camera.

"Yeah," I dragged out the word, going to stand as my phone began to ring at the table.

"Can she come?" Colby hesitantly explained, "She mentioned something about not getting out much anymore, and I think she'll like it,"

"God dangit, Colby," I said as he followed along with me to the table. I rested my arms on the back of it, answering the phone and putting it on speakerphone once I realized it was Kat calling, "You really want to bring her?"

"Yes I do, I think she'll be happy to tag along," He rephrased himself as if I didn't hear him say the same thing three times already.

"Who is she?" Katrina went to ask, but her phone cut out so it sounded like she said "who she"

"I don't know, Katrina," I said sarcastically, "But I think she's wearing a lot of gucci,"

Colby mumbled something to himself, as if he didn't know I had the hearing of a dog basically.

"She wears anything but gucci"

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