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Taylor's pov

We decided that going in the basement would not be smart, if the basement is where Colby would supposedly get murdered.

But after investigating every other room in the house, the six of us agreed that the basement was where we'd get our answers, everyone's being different.

Amanda and Sam were trying to find out about the house history, Kat was only there because she was with her boyfriend and Stas was finding something to have belief in.

Colby and I, however, knew exactly what and why we were here.  

I don't normally believe in fate and destiny, but in this case I do.  

Colby and I, our relationship at most, would be affected tonight and I didn't know in what way.

"I feel like it's time," Colby said once we reached the living room and the basement doorway was in eyesight.

He walked up to it, camera in hand, and unhesitantly opened the door.  

"This could be one of the scariest seances we ever do," Colby added, turning to face Sam and the second camera the blonde man was holding.

"Three o'clock, conjuring room, one of the most famous haunted houses in the world," Sam listed, and I noticed how zoomed in he had the camera towards Colby.

I didn't want to alarm Colby though I could feel the nerves getting to me.  I felt like I couldn't breathe properly, like I couldn't fully expand my lungs.

Like I was in a really humid room with a corset tied really tight around me.

I reached out beside me, grabbing onto his fingers.  Colby didn't look at me, which was understandable because the camera was recording his every move.

But he tightened his grip on my hand, which was enough for me.

"The basement is one of, if not the most active room in the entire house," Sam informed, mainly for the camera's sake because I'm sure the both of them knew that information.

"Because there's something that lives down there," Colby whispered, a mischievous smirk appearing on his face.

"Lead the way, Mister Creepy," Kat rested her hand on his back, urging him to go forward as Stas chuckled from behind Amanda.

Seeing as I didn't want a ghost to grab my ankles or kidnap me, I was not going down last.  So I went right after Colby and Sam, who trailed a little behind so he could get a good shot of Colby walking down the stairs to the basement.

"Did you hear that?" Amanda gasped when I was hardly three steps down from the stop, and I failed to fight the urge to give a sarcastic comment.

"What the fuck is it now?" I asked, snapping my head around to meet her dark eyes.

She ignored me, instead looking at Sam who was behind me, or in front of me if I was to turn around.

"The knocks?" Sam asked, also looking over me and ignoring me.

"Yeah, right up here," She seemed satisfied that he, too, heard what she did.

But it was up to the fans to decide, whether or not they could hear it.  That's what mattered.

"Dude I'm like burning right here," Kat brushed her forearm with one of her pink nails, "It's really irritating me. I don't know what it is," She leaned forward, to my surprise showing me and not Sam.

"I just say we get this over really fast," Stas gently pulled Kat's arm away from me as I grabbed onto it, and before the action was acknowledged by anyone else we were heading down the stairs.

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