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Taylor's pov

I didn't look or speak to anyone as I made my way out of Colby's hospital room.

I didn't want to leave his side but I felt as if Sam gave me no choice.

I was not welcome.

I didn't quite understand why his mood switched up on me so quickly but I can't act like I wasn't to blame for the argument.

We are all concerned for Colby so it's understandable that we are arguing but I wish we would have called down before it got too far.

That didn't mean I was going to apologize, at least not first.

Luckily Colbys hospital room was on the first floor and fairly close to the front doors so I didn't have to ask for directions.

My mouth wasn't capable of forming words, it felt like.

And everyone ignored me as I slammed on the doors, pushing them open even though they were automatic.

I had no patience, and rightfully so.  I didn't want to admit that I was going through a lot right now but I was.

I didn't have a car or money so I opted to walking through the parking lot and along the main road to take me away from the hospital.

It was so late at night, or so early in the day depending on how you looked at it, that hardly any cars were driving about.

I was grateful for that since I didn't need people stopping me and asking me for a ride when I didn't even know where I was going.

My plan was to walk until I couldn't any more.  But I needed to talk to someone, but I didn't know who.

One person popped into my mind, one person that seemed right.

I searched for her number in my contacts, and within two rings she answered, "Hello?"

"Hi Mrs. Brock," I felt my throat begin to burn as I fought tears.  Hearing her voice and knowing what I needed to tell her was something I couldn't handle.

"Taylor?" She asked in disbelief, "What are you doing up this early? It's hardly seven in the morning for you,"

"I was investigating with Sam and Colby at the Conjuring house," I explained, plugging my other ear to block out the noises of nature.

"Well how did that go?" Mrs. Brock asked, "Surely you aren't calling little old me for just a chit chat?"

"Yeah," I let out a humorless laugh as I braced myself to tell her the news, "Uh, Colby is in the hospital,"

The line was silent for a moment, and that moment dragged on so long I thought she hung up, "What do you mean?" She asked in a sudden hushed tone, "Is he alright?"

"He's in a coma.  He has Cerebral Edema,"  I didn't know how to continue the conversation properly, "I don't think he's going to make it,"

"Oh dear," I couldn't read her tone, and I felt like the service I was getting on the phone was not great.

"Oh dear," She repeated, "What hospital are you at?  My husband and I will be there tonight by the latest,"

"I'll send you the location I promise," I sniffed, bringing my hand to rest below my nose.

"This is not the kind of phone call I was expecting this early in the morning," She admitted, "But thank you for telling me,"

"Of course Mrs. Brock.  It's only right for you to know," I was happy that I was right about who to call.

What if Colby died and his parents didn't find out until his funeral?

I would send myself to burn in hell.

"Well, keep me updated please," She asked, signaling that the phone call would soon come to an end.

"Of course.  Have a good day," I didn't give either if us another chance to speak before hanging up the phone.

Being on the phone with her kind of distracted me from my argument with Sam. 

I never had an actual heated disagreement with him before, I don't think.  But I didn't like it now that we did.

It wasn't fair for Kat, Stas and Amanda to have to go through that.  I hope they'd forgive us, me, for that.

"Hey!" A familiar voice shouted from one of the many cars driving by, "Taylor!"

I looked over to see Amanda driving slowly alongside me with the windows down, calling my name and waving for me to get in.

"Why should I?  Sam doesn't want me around him right now," I threw my arms in the air.

"Kat is talking to him.  He wants to apologize," Amanda shouted out of the vehicle.

"Bull fucking shit he does!" I argued, continuing my walk down the road.

"Will you just stop and get in the car? Colby wouldn't want this," Amanda added impatiently, "You of all people should know this,"

I found it annoying that she used Colby against me like that but I understood why.

It was nearly seven in the morning and here I was walking down a busy two laned street even though the sun was hardly up.

I hadn't slept since who knows when and my makeup was smeared around my face.  I could only assume I looked like something between a rats ass and a raccoon.

I huffed before reaching for the passenger door, "Unlock the damn door," I demanded, but instead of giving her time to unlock the car I reached in and pulled on the lock.

I sat on the passenger seat, not looking at Amanda but staring out the window as she rolled them all up.

"Where were you going to go?" Amanda asked politely as she turned the car around.

"I have no idea," I admitted, "I just know I want to be out of here.  But I can't leave Colby,"

"I understand," She sympathized, "It must be really hard for you to see him like that and know that you can't help him,"

"I'm trying my best," I said quietly, trying to avoid telling her how I was really feeling.

Colby and Angelina are the only people I would ever truly open up to.

And now they are both gone

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