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Taylor's pov

"We are in the seance room where Ed and Lorraine Warren performed a seance on Caroline and she literally levitated," Sam said to the camera once we we were all seated on the couch.

Amanda was in a chair by herself, leaving the other five of us to squeeze onto a three cushioned sofa.

I was in between Kat and Colby, with Colby being next to Sam and Kat by Stas.

"Amanda is gonna have noise cancelling headphones on a spirit box, basically letting us know whatever she hears.  We're going to be asking questions, and as we were saying we have ping pong balls and bells all over the place," Sam pointed around the room at the objects we hung before setting up for the seance, even though they were out of the frame.

"The entire house," Colby agreed, causing me to glance over at him, "Upstairs as well,"

"I'm starting this recording, seeing if we'll be able to catch any evps," Sam said, setting the device down on the floor between his feet.

Amanda sat up in her seat, grabbing each of her headphones with her hands, "It just said Borden,"

Borden was Lizzie Borden, or the last location Sam and Colby went to.  They went with Amanda.  I remember Colby briefly filling me in once though I couldn't pay attention.

"Borden?" Colby repeated in disbelief.

"The cases are very similar," Sam pointed out, shrugging at Colby before looking around the room, "Is there any spirit here who wants to talk to us? Can you please move something-"

"Not Colby." Amanda said, my head instinctively snapping over to look at his.

Kill. The device on the floor, the spirit box, said.

Colby's mouth dropped open, and if it weren't for such heavy words I would have chuckled at his reaction.

But those words were not something I wanted to hear when I knew something would go wrong.

"Are you a bad spirit?" Sam asked, trying to get more information.

Colby turned his head to look at me, bringing his hand to my knee as if he couldn't get an understanding on what he just heard, "Kill Colby?"

"Only," Amanda said, "Here,"

"Is there anything here that can give us a sign at all.  We have bells around this entire house if you could just make them ring.  We want to talk to you,"  Colby looked around the room, leaning back to look behind Sam and into the other room.

"There's someone here with us," Amanda informed, staring off past Stas and Kat.

"Can you make yourself known if you're here with us?" Sam asked, following her eyes across the room.

As if it was answering, I heard a tinking noise from God knows where.  Based on Sam and Colby's widening eyes, they heard it too.

"What was that?" Colby asked, looking around at the four of us that could hear him.

"I heard something," Kat pointed out, even though she wasn't the only one.

"That was a big crack," Sam asked before Colby shushed him for no apparent reason.

"You have a big crack," I whispered behind Colby to Sam, who smirked back at me.

"You are a big crack," He smiled back at me, and his best friend just ignored us entirely.

"It sounded like a shuffle almost.  Was that you that just made that noise?" Colby asked, speaking over us.


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