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You lay in bed one night unable to fall asleep.It was around midnight when you last checked the clock.You groaned and carefully got up trying not to wake up your sleeping boyfriend, Richard.You went through to the living room and put on a dim lamp so you could read to try and help you sleep a little.You started reading your book as time passed quicker than you had thoughtful. 1AM turned to 1.45AM , 2.30AM turned to 3.15AM. Time seemed to go by quicker when you where alone reading.Your eyes started to feel tired but you where almost at the end of your book , you wanted to finish it.The silence was filled with ticking from the clock as you where startled when the clock chimed at 6Am."Shit , 6 AM already" you mumbled. you closed your book and quietly walked back to bed.You hoped Richard was awake by this point as your sneaking back in wasn't going to disturb him.

You opened the door and quietly got into the room without him waking (this man can sleep through anything if he had the chance to do it).you gently slipped into bed and lay down.You then felt arms snake around your waist and a hot breath against your neck."and where were you hm?" A groggy voice said."i couldn't sleep so i decided to read , i lost track of time" you mumbled as he started to leave sleepy kisses on your neck."well , you need to sleep now why didn't you wake me up" He grumbled."you looked really peaceful sleeping and i know how tired you get in the morning if you don't get enough sleep at night" you yawned."I would have at least tried to help you sleep" he said pulling you into his shut your eyes but your mind was too awake now to sleep."what book took your attention for so long that you lost track of time ?" He asked."just a poetry book" you mumbled."Hmm"he mumbled."What?" You whispered."Just don't know how you find this stuff interesting" He mumbled."It just is okay"you mumbled.You cuddled into his chest and closed your eyes once again.Your mind slowly came to a stop.You slowly listend to the heart beat of your boyfriend as you slowly drifted off to sleep.Richard slowly kissed your forehead as you drifted off to sleep in his arms.He was glad he was able to be with you , to take care of him.

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