Private Stanley Mellish PT1

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A/N - hello , I apologise for the large gap in the updates , I'll try and keep some more on the go
Italics - inner thoughts
** time skips

I was sat in the church next to mellish as i lit a ciggarette.I took a drawl as there was light chatter than seemed to echo around the walls of the church.They were chatting about their mothers.mum would kill me if she saw me smoking.I dont think she would even recognise who i have become with what i have seen.i exhaled the smoke as i felt a small nudge in my side.i turned round to mellish looking at me."What" i muttered, as i took another drawl of smoke.Mellish took a moment to reply."do you have a cigarette?" he whispered.I took the box out my pocket , i had 3 left."uh yea , here" i muttered, handing him one.
"Thanks" he said with a small smile.My heart fluttered slightly.What ... .the hell?.it felt like something was pulling at my heart strings.I didn't like that , not at all.I hadn't felt that in a long time.I took another drawl as mellish puffed on his cigarette next to me.I then felt mellishes eyes on me, i never turned around but , out of the corner of my eye , i saw a small smirk come across his face.

I looked down at my knuckle to see it scrapped and covered in blood.I didn't even notice until now.i can deal with that for now.My eyes felt heavy , but i knew i wasnt going to sleep , not for a while yet anyway.


I chucked down the last of the dog tags into the ever growing pile.I leaned back as i lit another cigarette and places it between my luck.Wherever this james ryan is , he better be worth it.I looked up to see Mellish , we made eye contact slightly before mellish looked away again.I just brushed it off as nothing , we'd been friends for ages and something was just...... off recently but i couldn't put my finger on it.We still laughed and joked and talked the same but something had been different recently and i just couldn't work it out.i brushed that aside when wade took the dog tags away as the airborne walked passed.They all looked shell shocked and stunned.I stood up after the captain started to ask around if they had seen Ryan."anyone know a ryan , James frances ryan of iowa" i heard him yell out.I felt eyes upon all over me as they walked passed me."L/N" Mellish said which startled me slightly."Sorry what" i said as I turned to face him.

" I said , do you have a lighter?" Mellish asked as he gestured his cigarette towards me.I unzipped my pocket and took out the lighter."Here" I uttered as he took it.
"Thanks" he said with a cigarette between his lips.I took another drawl before mellish handed me back my lighter."is that your blood" he said while taking ahold on my knuckles.His thumb gently rubbed over my dry , blood covered knuckles.My heart sped up slightly when he did that.I exhaled smoke from my lungs."yea but its just a scratch" i sighed as i took my hand out of his grip.Mellish just looked at me with a look i couldn't quite make out."L/N , Mellish get over here" Sergeant Horvath yelled over.

We were to go to a place called ramelle , apparently ryan was there.He bloody better be there.I put my cigarette out and stood up after the others as the captain put the map away.I hoped to be able to go home soon , to see my parents.Ryan better be worth it.I grabbed my gear and followed behind the others.Mellish walked next to me.i felt his hand brush against mine.I gave him a small smile as he looked towards me.I saw a small smirk on his face which turned to small toothy smile.I felt my heart flutter I falling for him ? No ... No I can't be. I just couldn't push down the feeling that I was falling for him.But there wasn't any time for love in this war , not now anyway.

Bullets flew round me as I took cover to shoot.I shot towards where the Germans went down with slight more ease , the others however where holding out until last man standing.I then heard a clunk of metal above me.I didn't bother to look as I wasn't in pain.I ran out again as I kept shooting.Then , I was pushed over by Mellish and before I could ask , a Grenade went of too close to where I was standing.i realised I had been holding my breath so took a deep exhale."Are you alright"Mellish asked.I nodded and got back up and started firing again."Go , take cover" I said as Mellish started to shoot along side me aswell.why isn't he taking cover , he's going to get hit.After a minute the gunfire went silent.

I lowered my rifle as did Mellish as we heard winching from behind."Oh my god , Wade" I gasped as I saw him bleeding out.We rushed to try and patch him up before he could bleed out.Everyone tried to help and keep him alive."Your okay , your gonna be fine" I tried to reassure him.We all tried but , the wounds where too deep."I could use a little morphine" He spluttered out.I felt my jaw tighten.Everyone was silent for a moment.He was given the morphine even though we knew it would kill him.I held my breath slightly as they gave him the morphine.he was too good for this war.

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