Timothy Upham

55 3 2

For Ludovica_Chemblyn

Your P.O.V
I walked through the field in formation. I was at the very back behind Caparzo.I hoped to christ himself that this James Ryan was worth our lives to go and get him home.I then felt a tap on my shoulder which broke me from my thoughts.i snapped my head round to see the new translater , Corporal Upham , looking at me sheepishly."Um , your L/n , right" Upham Gulped.I looked him up and down , then gave him a small smile."Yea" i said as i faced forward again."you speak some german right" Upham asked
"Yea what about it" I asked as i furrowed my brows before turning to him again.He seemed quite jumpy and nervous , but he had good intentions , i could tell."I was - i was just wondering" He said rubbing the back of his neck.I gave him a gentle nod before he walked off to someone else.I took out a cigarette and lit it as i took a drawl , i felt eyes on me , i didn't need to turn round to guess who's gaze was on me.
Upham's P.O.V
I watched as L/N lit up her cigarette.She seemed to be holding up a front for everyone , i could tell she was hiding behind this front.But she seemed to be strong.She speaks german , maybe hers is better than mine.It probably is being honest.
I hoped to be able to get the rest to at least tolerate me.Well atleast L/N seemed to like me , even just a little.She didn't seem to bad compared to the other , she seemed less bothered by me being put into the squad.Thinking about it , she is quite nice looking though she is covered it dirt and sand, she still looked pretty.Especially her eyes.I probably shouldn't be thinking this but , she will never know.
Your P.O.V
I sat in the church between two pews.My head rested against one of the pews , i tried to sleep but i didn't want to relive the horrors of what i've seen.I lit another cigarette before i see someone sit down ahead of me.I looked up to see Upham smiling at me.i offered a cigarette to him and he took one cautiously."Thank you" Upham whispered.I lit his cigarette as he took a drawl.I took a deep drawl as we enjoyed the silence between us a little longer."Are you holding up okay" Upham asked.I took a minute to reply
"I think so , how about you" I whispered while taking another drawl.There was a certain look in his eye that made me slightly curious of what is was he was thinking."well , could be at home but , i'm here" Upham sarcastically whispered.
Upham seemed slightly less jumpy compared to earlier.He seemed a slightly less tense being with me.I wasn't quite sure what to think of that but , my heart seemed to awe at that.we continued to make small talk but the silence in between did not feel awkward , it felt nice.
Upham's P.O.V
L/N gave me a cigarette , i don't usually smoke but , it felt right too in this moment.There was some little conversations , but the silence in between felt comfortable."L/N , can i ask something" I asked.she exhaled smoke from her lips
"Ask away" she said with a small smile.
"Do you think about home much , i mean what life was like before the war" I asked , hoping to know more about her."well , sometimes i guess , but home life wasnt always great for me , my ex cheated on me with a 19 year old college student so i was happy to be getting awat but .... I do miss my parents" she whispered.I felt guilt pull at my heart.
"I'm sorry" I exhale.
"It's alright" She says with a small smile tugging on her lips.
I realised i had been looking into her eyes a little too long and tried to look away but , i then felt a little rub over me knuckled which lay on the side of the pew.She gave me a small smile and a nod of reassurance.I returned that small smile before taking another drawl.Maybe not everyone seemed to despise my presence.

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