Sergeant Mike Horvath

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Gender neutral
Italics and stuff in brackets is A/N btw
Horvath's P.O.V

i watched as y/n lightly noted down something into their notebook.i looked into their engaged eyes as i carefully watched their nose scrunch up slightly while they think.its kind of cute.should i even be this observant about one of my soldiers that's under my command.I mean their a corporal but , their smart and kind in ways that others don't notice.I watched as their hand lightly brushed the dirt of their thighs.I need to stop observing them like this.

I soon enough stopped observing them and tried to sleep a little before leaving in a few hours.But I couldn't find the peace to do head wondered with one to many things , what will happen tomorrow? , when will I get to go home.. will Y/N ever see me more than their Sargent. This made me wonder , will they ever see that ?.


I noted down some stuff to send to my parents.I didn't know what else to say to them without making them both worry about me more than they already are.I try and send home what I can to help them with the house , but I hope they actually use It.Throughout my worry , I notice Sargent Horvath watching me carefully as almost observing me.I try to not make eye contact with him as I don't want to feel awkward about it(cause honestly who can actually hold themselves together while making eye contact ??).I made sure to sign off my letter then slot it in my jacket pocket.I wasn't entirely sure why the sergeant was watching me like he was but , I didn't mind it entirely.His eyes where soft compared to what I had seen before when he was dealing with other things (very sappy I know ?!) after a while , everyone was slowly drifting off for sleep before leaving in a few hours.But I was unable to fall asleep.All I tried yet still no sleep.I decided to go for a walk outside to see if I could try and make myself tired.

I quietly slip out of the church and wonder about its whereabouts close by.As I slowed to let a jeep pass , I felt a hand on my shoulder.(I have no clue how to make this work 💀) i turned around to see Sergeant Horvath standing behind me."What are you doing our this late corporal" He asked."I Couldn't sleep" I say blankly not knowing what else to say than that. There was a moment of silence before either of us spoke."You look tired ,y/n" Horvath. Y/N. No one had actually said my name aloud in a long while.It sounded nice coming from him."I am , sir , just not in that way" I sighed.All he did was nod and hand me a cigarette.I declined as he then lit it for himself.I then looked up as I heard the roaring of planes above me.Sergeant then looked up as well."Just ours" i whispered with a slight smile.I look back at Horvath to find out eyes making a sort of subtle contact.

He then put out his cigarette for a re light later and then I felt a hand on my waist."Come on , let's head back in , you need to sleep corporal" He smiled gently.I nodded as i followed him in.

Horvaths P.OV

I'm not entirely sure what to make of my moment with y/n outside but I'd like to make sure they get out of this war okay , then maybe I can take them home.But until then I guess their still my corparal and I'm still their sergeant but , maybe they may feel the same.

A/n - sorry for the gap in the update , I'll try and get more regular in the updates this time round

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