Corpral Timothy Upham

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Mentions of anxiety attacks

Your P.O.V

I sat in the church unable to sleep , my mind was racing and my heart was pounding.I closed my eyes and tried to make it stop but it didn't stop , not for a moment.I wanted to sleep but it was a struggle every time I tried.

I sat up again and lite up a cigarette to focus my mind on something other than my current situation.I leaned against the wall and then got my translater pad out to try and get some more of my German translated to English.As I jotted down some words I heard some shuffling next to me.I looked over to see Corporal Upham Waking towards me."You should sleep you know" he whsipered.

" well I couldn't really sleep" I whispered as he sat next to me."What's wrong" he asked.The question sounded odd in a way , I felt like I was the one always asking that question."I don't know" I replied.Upham looked at me as I took another drawl."You .. don't know" he repeated.I juts nodded.That maybe a bit of a lie but he probably wasn't bothered by it."Come on , i know your Lying , now tell me" he loudly whispered.i took another drawl of my cigarette."you really wanna know" I said as he nodded quickly."Well ..... I feel like my head is spinning in a million different directions like I don't know what I'm doin and my heart keeps feeling like it's going to explode out my chest cause it beating that damn fast and makes me that my breathing feels like it's on a tight rope..... so ..... yea that's what I'm feeling" I say as Upham looks at me motionlessly."What" I say as he just looks at me cluelessly."Y/n , I think what your having is called an Anxiety attacks" Upham says

"An anxiety attack ? Really ? Me , a corpral with Anxiety attack issue, only people with Anxiety attacks get those , wait do I have anxiety I Mean it would make sense , wait would I get demoted wait what if—" Upham cut you off."Y/n , look at me deep breathe , your fine okay , your won't get demoted or anything, it's a bit late for that now and plus , I'll be their if I'd happens again ok , i promise" Upham said.

"really ?" I said
"Really" Upham said with a small smile.
"But what if"— "Don't go their , now please try and sleep" Upham said cutting you off again.
You nodded and leaned against the wall to try and get some sleep again.But this time , i felt a body next to my own.I slightly opened i eyes Upham right next to me. I put me head on his shoulder to try and help me sleep a little which he smiled too.

"Y/N" he said
"Mhm" I replied
"Can I hold your hand" he whispered
I Felt my face warm up"Yea" I said with a small smile.He gently gripped my hands."Your hands are warm" i said as I yawned.he lightly chuckled to that.

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