Corporal timothy Upham

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Gender neutral

You were at a party one night with your friend Timothy.He was at the bar while you were in the crowd.Music was loud and people were having drinking , smoking and other stuff.Timothy watched as you talked with people around the room.

Timothy's P.O.V
I watched as Y/N made their way around the room and talked to people they somehow knew.I know I'm just their friend and all but I can't help but feel jealous when someone puts their hand on them.Its like a flame indulging my heart.I finished off my bear then looked back into the crowd.Wait.Where did they go.Shit.

I realised I had lost track of where y/n had gone too.It worried me slightly.i looked about the crowd but still couldn't see them.i couldn't help but want to go look for them but yet , I feel like I'm being overprotective.i decided to ignore the feelings and order another beer.

your P.O.V

i sat on the surface on the bathroom counter top with a cup of beer in my hand.My head felt crowded with so many thoughts at once, it was giving me a headache.I felt bad for leaving timothy out in the party , he was probably wondering were i was.i just didn't feel like staying much longer at this party.As the music on vinyl played as i left the bathroom trying to find Timothy.I walked through the crowd towards the bar to but soon realised , he wasn't their.'he was their a couple of minutes ago' i thought.I started to panic slightly as i thought he might have left already.I pushed my way through the crowed trying to see if i could spot him anywhere but , he was no were to be seen.My heart was pounding and my head felt like it was spinning.I then felt hands on my waist.I looked behind me and saw Timothy standing there."Come out , let's get out here" he just nodded as he lead you you of the cowded party.

"What's wrong" Timothy asked as we got outside."I just ..... i just got overwhelmed with it all" I muttered.He looked me in my eyes before either of us say anything."We didn't have to go tonight" He said gently rubbing my palm with his thumb."I didn't want to disappoint you" I said to him.He then let go of my hand and cupped my cheeks.I then felt his lips lock onto mine.I felt my cheeks burn before I kissed back."Y/n you will never disappoint me , you never have" Timothy smiled to me.Rain started to fall on us both as he kissed me again.It was so sweet and gentle.The rain poured down heavier as the kiss deepened."Y/n ... I love you" Timothy said breaking the kiss."i Love you too" I said back to him.As a car drove past , it splashed water from the puddle next to the sidewalk.Both of us groaned then started laughing afterwards."Come on , let's go back to mine" Timothy said.I nodded and both of us ran through the heavy shower of rain together.

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