T-4 medic Irwin Wade

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Your P.O.V
I sat down at the rally point with the rest of the men.I took in another drawl of my cigarette as the cut on my hand send another hold of pain through my hand.I looked at it again , it was small and looked deep but I could still shoot so that's all that mattered to me.there was light chatter about what we where doing next , who was dead and who could get ahold of any cigarettes."L/n" I heard Wade say as he stood over me."Yea" I say standing up to greet him.
"Your hand , give it to me" he said sternly.damn it."my hands fine honestly-"
"I didn't give you a choice" he said said as he took me by the wrist and took me to the mock up medical tent."Why didn't you tell me"He said while trying to rummage for things."I never really Noticed it" I lied.i think he knew I was lying but didn't press me on it.He came over with a cloth with something on it.he looked cute when he's focused.He put his had out for mine and I let him tend to if.It stung as it went on.I hissed

"It stings a little" he laughed lightly.i figured.i gave hime a small smile.He gently held my hand as he wiped the blood and dirt away from the wound."this will probably won't need stitches luckily but just be careful alright ? I'll bandage it up for you" Wade said looking up at you."Thank you" I smiled.I always got along with Wade.He was good at what he did , I just don't think people understand the pressure of being a medic.He gently started to wrap a bandage around my hand.I looked up at his face for a moment and then returned my gaze to my semi bandaged hand.
"Y/n" he asked
"Hm" i replied
"Where's your rifle" he asked
"Bottom of the channel , Almost drowned me, I had to get one off the beach when I got out" I sighed.
"Well .... I'm glad you still here" he murmured.
"thank you , I'm glad your still here , would have lost good medic otherwise" I said as he finished bandaging my hand.He gave me a reassuring smile and a nod."Well uh thank you Wade" I said as I went to head back to my group."L/n" I heard Wade yell after me as he jogged next to me.I turned to him."How did that happen" Wade asked.

"Uh I don't know , I think I cut it on the beach when I was gripping the metal hedgehog" I replied."Just be careful please, okay , I don't what you getting hurt" Wade said with what sounded like genuine care and worry."I'll be careful, and you don't stress yourself okay , you'll do great" I smile to him as his eyes creased as he smiled to me.Atleast someone here seems to worry for me.

wade's P.O.V
I watched as L/n sat down again.she meant more to me than she knew.It wasn't love i don't think.I don't see myself dating her , No No.I just .. don't want her to get hurt.It would hurt to much.She  always seem to be where ever I go.I just hoped that by the end of this , we will be able to walk away from all of this together.

I watched as L/n went and sat down again as I followed and sat across from her.I watched as she fidgeted with her lighter as the men talked and laughed around her.She then got a shove from Reiben while saying something that made her laugh.I felt something pull at me heart when I saw her laugh.one might said it was her smile , which part of it probably was , the other was it wasn't me making her smile.why is she making me feel like this.i realised I had been looking at her for a while when we both made eye contact with each other for a moment.I then took out a cigarette.I just hoped that one day , maybe not today , or even tomorrow but one day , that me and her both can be with each other.hopefully we can make it work.

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