T-4 Medic Wade

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For jakwpmsp

Your P.O.V
I scrunched the letter into my pocket before anyone could read it.I took a deep breath before the tears could fall any further.I usually like to receive a letter from home , but i wish this one got lost somewhere.It read:
Dear Y/N
I hope this letter finds you well.I hope you're still managing to get through all this but , i know that you will be okay in the end.I have been promoted to captain in my squadron in the airforce you would be glad to hear.
I have a reason to be writing to you and well , its not a great reason on your end.I am writing to say im breaking up with you.I have fallen in love with an local english girl where im stationed . Im sorry but , i just dont seem to be in love with you anymore.I'm sorry , i know this isn't a great time to be breaking up but , i dont think its any good for the both of us to be continuing this relationship,
You took the letter out again as well as your lighter.You watched the letter slowly burn as you chucked it into the mud."dickhead" you muttered.You walked over to what remained of your platoon and sat next to Mellish.You lit a cigarette and took a drawl."and what the hells up your ass" Reiban remarked as you exhaled.
"Nothing" you replied as Reiban flicked his cigarette butt away.You knew he wouldn't stop at not getting the reply."Come on , you cant tell me thats just resting bitch face" He added.I glared over at him and kicked his shin as hard as i could which got a groan out of him and a laugh out of Jackson and Mellish.I looked over to Wade for a moment but i already found he was already looking at me.We made eye contact before Wade broke it.I felt my heart tug a little as we broke the contact.He had always been looking out for me in one way or another.I really did appreciate it.
I walked in formation , i was still unable to stop thinking about that letter i received from my now ex boyfriend.I tried thinking of other things but , the letter still slipped its way into my thoughts."L/N" someone uttered to me , which broke me out of my thoughts.Wade gave me a small smile."I said are you okay" he replied.
"Uh i guess as well as i can be , how about you"I asked putting on a smile.
"Living the dream" Wade replied sarcastically.I gave him a small yet genuine smile in reply.
I sat in the church in a little corner of the church looking at the slice across my palm.This hurts like a bitch.I tried dabbing it with the side of my sleeve but that seemed to make it hurt more. I winced slightly as i quickly took away my sleeve."L/N , whats wrong" i already knew who it was.wade.He then took notice to my hand."when did that happen" Wade whispered while furrowing his brows."i think a few hours ago" i whispered back to him.he does look cute when he is focused like that.
Wade sat next to me and took ahold of my wrist to get a better look."Its not quite infected but i'll bandage it up for you"he replied as he reached for a bandage from his medic supplies.
"Thank you wade" I whispered with a smile.
As he started to wrap my hand up , i looked up to his face , i never really noticed his eye colour , or how the bags under them slowly crept up on him.I guess sleep isnt something easy to grab."What had you so frustrated earlier , if you dont mind me asking" Wade asked.I knew one of them was bound to ask.I sighed."My boyfriend , well now ex boyfriend , left me for some young english girl" I whispered to him.His eyes seemed to frown with him as he looked up at me."I'm sorry , you deserve someone much better than that" Wade replied as he rubbed my knuckled gently."It's alright , it was bound to happen but , i tried not to think about it , plus i am really quite stubborn so i doubt any man would want to put up with a stubborn woman in the Army" I sighed as he continued to wrap my hand up.
"I want you" Wade whispered so quietly i almost never heard him.i felt my cheeks light up a bit.
"Really" i whisper.Wade nodded carefully and finished of wrapping up my hand.
"I want and would accept every part of you" wade whispered.I couldnt speak for a moment.
" i want you too , i have for a while" I whispered.He gently rubbed my hand and squeezed my unharmed hand as a gentle show of affection as we where in company.maybe this is what i wanted.

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